Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 332 – 11/13/2021

“The first step toward living a happy life is to treat every other human with kindness. There are several steps after that, but I can’t remember right now.”

~ Dalai Lama ~

today is known as World Kindness Day, like you, i see every day as world kindness day and love chanting/being lovingkindness every moment…

there are a thousand thousand fold ways to celebrate world kindness, in this moment of eternity let’s reflect upon the kichwa and their philosophy and practice of buen vivir, the good life…

with pachamama, earth mother, at the heart of everything, buen vivir is about respecting the rights and responsibilities of communities to protect and promote their own social and environmental well-being by living grassroots change…

never before in modern society have we had to redesign our lives with such speed and magnitude: how we live, how we connect with one another, and what and how we consume – this is where kindness, living a happy life and buen vivir come in…

representing a combination of respect and reciprocity, community, solidarity and harmony, buen vivir originates in the indigenous philosophy of sumak kawsay and is supported by three main pillars: first is social, evoking equity, solidarity, and rights; second is material, emphasizing the human capacity for work, health, and education, as opposed to the accumulation of wealth; third is spiritual, referring to the idea of transcendence through nature…

buen vivir offers an opportunity to live KINdness, to nurture our relationships with family, friends, our communities, and the natural world through a communal and nature-oriented consciousness… practically, it helps us evaluate what really matters through daily actions and choices that consider the impacts on all our relations…

may we live lovingkindness throughout the sacred hoop…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 333 – 11/13/2020

today is known as World Kindness Day, like you, i see every day as world kindness day and love chanting/being lovingkindness every moment…

there are a thousand thousand fold ways to celebrate world kindness, in this moment of eternity let’s reflect upon the kichwa and their philosophy and practice of buen vivir, the good life…

with pachamama, earth mother, at the heart of everything, buen vivir is about respecting the rights and responsibilities of communities to protect and promote their own social and environmental well-being by living grassroots change…

never before in modern society have we had to redesign our lives with such speed and magnitude: how we live, how we connect with one another, and what and how we consume – this is where kindness, living a happy life and buen vivir come in…

representing a combination of respect and reciprocity, community, solidarity and harmony, buen vivir originates in the indigenous philosophy of sumak kawsay and is supported by three main pillars: first is social, evoking equity, solidarity, and rights; second is material, emphasizing the human capacity for work, health, and education, as opposed to the accumulation of wealth; third is spiritual, referring to the idea of transcendence through nature…

buen vivir offers an opportunity to live KINdness, to nurture our relationships with family, friends, our communities, and the natural world through a communal and nature-oriented consciousness… practically, it helps us evaluate what really matters through daily actions and choices that consider the impacts on all our relations…

may we live lovingkindness throughout the sacred hoop…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 332 – 11/13/2019

Named Now! 13 2019 Lovingkindness-Wedding-Trip-Pilgrimage-047-Oceanside-Cape-Meares-1024x768

today is known as World Kindness Day, like you, i see every day as world kindness day and love chanting/being lovingkindness every moment…


“The first step toward living a happy life is to treat every other human with kindness. There are several steps after that, but I can’t remember right now.”

~ Dalai Lama ~


here are several ways to celebrate, add your own, let’s make this an ongoing list in progress…


*throw lovingkindness and appreciation  like confetti

*pick up the tab for the person behind you in line

*share with friends the things you love about them

*deliver flowers to hospital patients

*hand a passerby on the street a dollar

*tell everyone you meet, thank you spreading an attitude of gratitude

*donate a copy of your favorite book to a library

*adopt a rescue animal

*volunteer in a local shelter or foodbank

*welcome every stranger

*pray for peace

*be gentle with yourself

*listen intently to everyone

*be a smile, a hug, balm this moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 332 – 11/13/2017

Named Numina November 13 Lovingkindness Wedding Trip Pilgrimage 047 Oceanside Cape Meares

today is known as World Kindness Day, like you, i see every day as world kindness day and love chanting/being lovingkindness every moment…

“The first step toward living a happy life is to treat every other human with kindness. There are several steps after that, but I can’t remember right now.”

~ Dalai Lama ~

here are several ways to celebrate, add your own, let’s make this an ongoing list in progress…

*throw lovingkindness and appreciation  like confetti

*pick up the tab for the person behind you in line

*share with friends the things you love about them

*deliver flowers to hospital patients

*hand a passerby on the street a dollar

*tell everyone you meet, thank you spreading an attitude of gratitude

*donate a copy of your favorite book to a library

*adopt a rescue animal

*volunteer in a local shelter or foodbank

*welcome every stranger

*pray for peace

*be gentle with yourself

*listen intently to everyone

*be a smile, a hug, balm this moment