Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 143 – 5/7/2020

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”

~John O’Donohue ~

beloved, we hear the call to wander into wonder on this day of the full moon of enlightenment and feel the buddha’s outpouring of blessings inspiring us to fall into grace, to dream in the rhythm of dolphins, to tune into celestial spheres and transform into radiant orbs of luminescence floating through the sky sea of love catalysed to serve and support all sentient beings…

on this day of celebrating awakening to our purpose and trusting in our soul to show us the wat, let us invoke our true nature of divine light…


I am created by Divine Light

I am sustained by Divine Light

I am protected by Divine Light

I am surrounded by Divine Light

I am ever growing into Divine Light…

Every cell of this my physical body is filled with Divine Light;

Every level of my consciousness is illumined with Divine Light.

The Divine Light penetrates every single cell of my being,

Every level of consciousness.

I have become a channel of pure Light.

I am One with the Light…


this radiance pilgrimage blessing is a beautyway to open and close each day letting this light spiral from source to the heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 155 – 5/20/2019

Named Mystical May 20 Buddha Resolve to be...

while we are still under the radiation of the wesak full moon of enlightenment and honoring this Buddhist festival’s celebrating the buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death under the mystical full moon in May, let us follow his directive to listen to his teachings…


Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.

~ Buddha ~


i devote myself to being an instrument of peace and gatherer of  quintessence – the essence of essence… love… and you, what do you give your heart and soul to?

may we all be blessed by the thousandfold blessings Buddha rains upon us under this magical moon…