Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 197 – 7/1/2023

welcome, well come joyvolution july, a month vibrating at the frequency of new beginnings, of creative momentum and, yes, i’ve coined a word for this moonth of the WILD pilgrim facing the music, dan-sing with the music and love your joining me in celebrating every day as a joy revolution… for being joy in these turbulent times is the most rebellious wild act and an ancient one for joy is our tue nature, who we quintessentially are… enough with the masters of the dominance worldview selling us an unsustainable bill of goods… come back home to the heart, sit on the lap of the great mother as she reminds us of our true nature… let’s get right into joy with a Rumi drinking song that brings a smile to every cell:

“Drink the wine down, tip the glass.  Drink with the Beloved.
Take this breath like it’s your last.   Drink with the Beloved.
We’re a caravan, you see, moving towards our destiny.  You must find the eyes to see.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

Go to the East or to the West.  Drink with the Beloved.
You can’t escape this birth and death.  Drink with the Beloved.
Drink the cup of loving down.  This is truly drink and drown.  What is lost, it shall be found.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

So listen to the inner call.  Drink with the Beloved.
The tavern masters rise and fall.  Drink with the Beloved.
Watch the drunkards reel and spin.   Feel the Presence from within, toasting with the dearest Friend.  Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah”

i begin today with this soul song, Rumi’s poem, singing me, lighting me up, buzzing me as if a whole hive of bees is with me throughout thinew beginning, new breath, new moment, new moonth, new day, new journey, newly standing on the brink of a new world pausing with all the pregnant possibilities alive quickening and fluttering our one heart knowing we are poised to take flight, to wing our way on unknown migratory routes trusting our one heart to fledge the way…

thank you beloved, divine presence and beloveds, divine presences for sharing the dance of synchronisiddhi deepening our pilgrimage into great mystery under the cosmic wild and wise pilgrim turtle moon when the living is easy, rest easy and the rest comes easy… cheers!!!!!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 197 – 7/1/2022

welcome, well come joyvolution july, a month vibrating at the frequency of new beginnings, of creative momentum and, yes, i’ve coined a word for this moonth of the WILD pilgrim facing the music and love your joining me in celebrating every day as a joy revolution… for being joy in these turbulent times is a rebellious wild act and an ancient one for joy is our tue nature, who we quintessentially are… enough with the masters of the dominance worldview selling us an unsustainable bill of goods… come home to the heart, sit on the lap of the great mother as she reminds us of our true nature… let’s get right into joy with a Rumi drinking song that brings a smile to every cell…

“Drink the wine down, tip the glass.  Drink with the Beloved.
Take this breath like it’s your last.   Drink with the Beloved.
We’re a caravan, you see, moving towards our destiny.  You must find the eyes to see.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

Go to the East or to the West.  Drink with the Beloved.
You can’t escape this birth and death.  Drink with the Beloved.
Drink the cup of loving down.  This is truly drink and drown.  What is lost, it shall be found.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

So listen to the inner call.  Drink with the Beloved.
The tavern masters rise and fall.  Drink with the Beloved.
Watch the drunkards reel and spin.   Feel the Presence from within, toasting with the dearest Friend.  Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah”

i begin today with this soul song, Rumi’s poem, singing me, lighting me up, buzzing me as if a whole hive of bees is with me throughout thinew beginning, new breath, new moment, new moonth, new day, new journey, newly standing on the brink of a new world pausing with all the pregnant possibilities alive quickening and fluttering our one heart knowing we are poised to take flight, to wing our way on unknown migratory routes trusting our one heart to fledge the way…

thank you beloved, divine presence and beloveds, divine presences for sharing the dance of synchronisiddhi deepening our pilgrimage into great mystery under the cosmic wild woman turtle moon of summer time when the living is easy… cheers!!!!!


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 197 – 7/1/2021

welcome, well come joyvolution july, a month vibrating at the frequency of new beginnings, of creative momentum and, yes, i’ve coined a word for this moonth of the wise pilgrim facing the music and love your joining me in celebrating every day as a joy revolution…for being joy in these turbulent times is a rebellious wild act and an ancient one for joy is our tue nature, who we quintessentially are… enough with the masters of the dominance worldview selling us an unsustainable bill of goods… come home to the heart, sit on the lap of the great mother as she reminds us of our true nature… let’s get right into joy with a Rumi drinking song that brings a smile to every cell…

“Drink the wine down, tip the glass.  Drink with the Beloved.
Take this breath like it’s your last.   Drink with the Beloved.
We’re a caravan, you see, moving towards our destiny.  You must find the eyes to see.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

Go to the East or to the West.  Drink with the Beloved.
You can’t escape this birth and death.  Drink with the Beloved.
Drink the cup of loving down.  This is truly drink and drown.  What is lost, it shall be found.
Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah

So listen to the inner call.  Drink with the Beloved.
The tavern masters rise and fall.  Drink with the Beloved.
Watch the drunkards reel and spin.   Feel the Presence from within, toasting with the dearest Friend.  Drink with the Beloved.

La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah
La Illaha il’Allah, La Illaha il’Allah”

i begin today with this soul song, Rumi’s poem, singing me, lighting me up, buzzing me as if a whole hive of bees is with me throughout this new beginning, new breath, new moment, new moonth, new day, new journey, newly standing on the brink of a new world pausing with all the pregnant possibilities alive quickening and fluttering our one heart knowing we are poised to take flight, to wing our way on unknown migratory routes trusting our one heart to fledge the way…

thank you beloved, divine presence and beloveds, divine presences for sharing the dance of synchronisiddhi deepening our pilgrimage into great mystery under the cosmic turtle moon of summer time when the living is easy… cheers!!!!!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 198 – 7/1/2020

welcome joyvolution july, a month vibrating at the frequency of one, of new beginnings, of creative momentum and, yes, i’ve coined a word for this moonth of the wise pilgrim facing the music and love your joining me in celebrating every day as one of joy revolution…for being joy in these turbulent times is a rebellious, a wild act and an ancient one for joy is our tue natire, who we quintessentially are… enough with the masters of the dominance worldview selling us an unsustainable bill of goods… come home to the heart, sit on the lap of the great mother as she reminds us of our true nature…

in honor of this oh so potent joyvolution july including another cancer new moon and the full moon three days from now with a penumbral lunar eclipse, i’m letting go of my usual practice of sharing the image of new beginnings for an image of a collective intention for us all…

eclipses call us to re-set and re-boot, to let go, to go with the flow, we are being re-built, re-wired, re-plumbed under the great mother energies of the sun in cancer and a full moon in capricorn… yes, a perfect time for a joy revolution to unite with the uprisings going on all over the cosmos as we speak truth to power…

in this sacred moment, i feel us sitting on a mountain top with a panoramic view of the all that is poised in a pregnant pause on the edge, the verge of a new world where joy is vibrating through every cell – can you hear her breathing?

this new world of  unconditional love guiding us into justice for all building a rock solid peace beyond our most expansive and deepest imaginings…

during this cosmic turtle moon, may we all feel the astonishing lightness of being joyous high-spirited water falling home and the deep peace of  the rhythm of light-waves and re-member the wellspring of lovingkindness and compassion we are…