Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 352- 12/3/2023

so much to welcome and celebrate in this sacred moment of eternity… we begin in song re-membering the greatest love of all is inside us and then send greetings and thanks to all our relations and call in the spirits followed by drumming in our intentions for this moment and for every moment…

we take 3 deep breaths and roll our shoulders back 3X to open our heart even more now that we are of one heartmind and invite our taking this sacred moment of eternity to gather and collect our attention and intention through the art of inquiry, asking repeatedly the same question ( a la A H Almaas) leaving empty space following the asking of each quest ion for us to listen deeply as our deep breaths through the core of our being take us more and more into the stillpoint, the great silence, the great cosmic womb, birthing circle of creation…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you...

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

as we rest in the vast spaciousness of this moment, the only moment, may we look through the eyes of the astonishing light of our being embedded in the stillpoint of creation seeing the beauty and love and gratitude and wisdom and wonder before us behind us beside us below us above us encircling us in an ever-widening ring of compassion radiating out and in in rhythm with the breath

deep bows to all our relations…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 347- 11/28/2023

how i love this quest ion and how often i find myself living it… this koan so perfect for so many of the last moments of eternity and for these times we are in with right action such a pertinent query as dramatic tectonic change floods our inner and outer island home… an ancient question, always relevant, it seems to comes with being human… in this season of chaosmos with so much shedding going on so our new skins and new world can form, i notice how much more patience is needed…

speaking of ancient questions and koans, here ione suitable for now:

A student asked, “When times of great difficulty visit us, how should we meet them?”

The teacher said, “Welcome.”

so many moments of late of coming to a deep space of silence, so many moments of waiting for the transcendent function to kick in, for the right action, the movement of aligning with true self, source, great mystery to arise, so many moments of listening to the sage words of welcoming the moment rather than seeing it as an obstacle, an obstruction, so many moments of surrendering how i envisioned life would flow to go with the true flow…

as we gather together in the boat to cross to the other shore, may we all rest in equanimity keeping the boat steady as we patiently live the question from an openhearted space until the water clears revealing the other shore and the tree of life, the anima mundi rooted and expansive bridging heavenearth welcoming the moment…

deep bows…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 345 – 11/26/2022

how i love this quest ion and how often i find myself living it… this koan so perfect for so many of the last moments of eternity and for these times we are in with right action such a pertinent query as dramatic tectonic change floods our inner and outer island home… an ancient question, always relevant, it seems to comes with being human… in this season of chaosmos with so much shedding going on so our new skins and new world can form, i notice how much more patience is needed…

speaking of ancient questions and koans, here ione suitable for now:

A student asked, “When times of great difficulty visit us, how should we meet them?”

The teacher said, “Welcome.”

so many moments of late of coming to a deep space of silence, so many moments of waiting for the transcendent function to kick in, for the right action, the movement of aligning with true self, source, great mystery to arise, so many moments of listening to the sage words of welcoming the moment rather than seeing it as an obstacle, an obstruction, so many moments of surrendering how i envisioned life would flow to go with the true flow…

as we gather together in the boat to cross to the other shore, may we all rest in equanimity keeping the boat steady as we patiently live the question from an openhearted space until the water clears revealing the other shore and the tree of life, the anima mundi rooted and expansive bridging heavenearth welcoming the moment…

deep bows…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 331 – 11/12/2021

how i love this quest ion and how often i find myself living it… this koan so perfect for so many of the last moments of eternity and for these times we are in with right action such a pertinent query as dramatic tectonic change floods our inner and outer island home… an ancient question, always relevant, it seems to comes with being human…

speaking of ancient questions and koans, here is one suitable for now…

A student asked, “When times of great difficulty visit us, how should we meet them?”

The teacher said, “Welcome.”

so many moments of late coming to a deep space of silence, so many moments of waiting for the transcendent function to kick in, for the right action, the movement of aligning with true self, source, great mystery to arise, so many moments of listening to the sage words of welcoming the moment rather than seeing it as an obstacle, an obstruction, so many moments of surrendering how i envisioned life would flow to go with the true flow…

as we gather together in the boat to cross to the other shore, may we all rest in equanimity keeping the boat steady as we patiently live the question from an openhearted space until the water clears…

deep bows…