breathing out, we die to what’s no longer true… breathing in, we’re born anew… in the space between the worlds, between expiring and inspiring, in this place of pause we are in the sacred space of of the void, the stillpoint, the birth canal, the tunnel… are you catching glimpses of the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel?
yes, we’ve been experiencing the germinating energy of darkness… perhaps, you have felt inner wound seeds rupturing causing confusion, despair, disorientation, anxiety… now is the moment to re-member…
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.
~ Rumi ~
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.
~ Leonard Cohen ~
yes, re-member, the wheel of life is always turning and returning just as we are always turning and returning to the breath, to the present moment, to the dance of creation… rest assured… the deeper we openly and courageously go into the unknown, the more we come to know…