Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 336- 11/17/2023

i turn again today to the prophetic imagination of MLK who inspires a vivid dream so clearly of the even more beautiful world we are creating in this moment as we come together in the field out beyond visioning a life-sustaining world that wages peace and harmony and liberation for all our relatives, where we sing the soul song of our birth rite aligning us in perfect synchrony with the conductors of this symphony amplified throughout every car of the peace train as we caravan in the promised land where we stand with our soles kissing the earth as our one heart breathes in the gold from the sun that never rises and never sets, that nourishes us with the most powerful cosmic elixir – love… from this love, we create a world of ever expanding and unending beauty re-membering that how we get there is where we get which is why it is critical for our critical mass of imaginal cells to come together and speak truth with the powerless to the powerful few as we stand resolute in peace and love, the way of all successful movements effecting lasting change… thanks be to all who real-eyes that a life devoted to serving is joy where we live each moment in the river below the river, the river of joy, the water of life… blessed bee…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 336 – 11/17/2022

i turn again today to the prophetic imagination of MLK who inspires a vivid dream so clearly of the even more beautiful world we are creating in this moment as we come together in the field out beyond visioning a life-sustaining world that wages peace and harmony and liberation for all our relatives, where we sing the soul song of our birth rite aligning us in perfect synchrony with the conductors of this symphony amplified throughout every car of the peace train as we caravan in the promised land where we stand with our soles kissing the earth as our one heart breathes in the gold from the sun that never rises and never sets, that nourishes us with the most powerful cosmic elixir – love… from this love, we create a world of ever expanding and unending beauty re-membering that how we get there is where we get which is why it is critical for our critical mass of imaginal cells to come together and speak truth with the powerless to the powerful few as we stand resolute in peace and love, the way of all successful movements effecting lasting change… thanks be to all who real-eyes that a life devoted to serving is joy where we live each moment in the river below the river, the river of joy, the water of life… blessed bee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 336 – 11/17/2021

i turn again today to the prophetic imagination of MLK who inspires a vivid dream so clearly of the even more beautiful world we are creating in this moment as we come together in the field out beyond visioning a life-sustaining world that wages peace and harmony and liberation for all our relatives, where we sing the soul song of our birth rite aligning us in perfect synchrony with the conductors of this symphony amplified throughout every car of the peace train as we caravan in the promised land where we stand our soles kissing the earth as our one heart breathes in the gold from the sun that never rises and never sets, that nourishes us with the most powerful cosmic elixir – love… from this love, we create a world of ever expanding and unending beauty re-membering that how we get there is where we get which is why it is critical for our critical mass of imaginal cells to come together and speak truth with the powerless to the powerful few as we stand resolute in peace and love, the way of all successful movements effecting lasting change… thanks be to all who real-eyes that a life devoted to serving is joy and for living each moment in the river below the river, the river of joy, the water of life… blessed bee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 239 – 8/11/2020

we’re walking the bhakti path today,

floating through life in a buoyant way…

with nothing to do and nowhere (now here) to go,

resting still in the ocean, the ocean of flow…

chanting love’s names polishes our one heart,

resonating at the frequency of love you impart

deepening the illuminated heart vibration of cosmic harmony

attuning us all to the vast expansive spaciousness of great mystery…


today spirit invites dancing life in a sacred way knowing that love, service and re-membrance bring great value to the sacred hoop of life, the unbroken circle of interconnection…

three years ago, i stood at an altar of love having flown home for a family wedding uniting the opposites with joy and celebration while across town, Charlottesville was exploding… it was good then to be standing in a unitive field of love balancing the hatred happening blocks away and it’s good to stand with you in love today and everyday with each of us invoking the beloved in our own authentic way… perhaps, you’ll join me in placing your hand on your heart and calling up the image of a relation you love… or, maybe, spend time in the company of a tree or play in water and squeal with glee or plant seeds of compassion and joy drawing down the  courage of the leo lionhearts… whatever it is, float in devocean, the ocean of devotion with your  wide open heart re-joy-sing in the dream of the cosm – peace in every moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 238 – 8/11/2019

Named-Awaken 11 Bhakti-2012-6-9-Coordinator-w-the-Mostest-Jo-920x1024

today spirit invites dancing life in a sacred way knowing that love, service and re-membrance bring great value to the sacred hoop of life, the unbroken circle of interconnection amplified by it’s being astonishing light of being day and i’m so much more zen with all history erased and being rebirthed back to factory settings…


i’m walking the bhakti path today,

floating through life in a buoyant way…

with nothing to do and nowhere to go,

resting still in the ocean, the ocean of flow..

chanting love’s names polishes our one heart,

resonating at the frequency of love you impart

a raising of the vibration of cosmic harmony

attuning us all to the deep peace of great mystery…


two years ago, i stood at an altar of love having flown home for a family wedding uniting the opposites with joy and celebration while across town, Charlottesville was exploding… it was good then to be standing in a unitive field of love balancing the hatred happening blocks away and it’s good to stand with you in love today with each of us invoking the beloved in our own authentic way… perhaps, you’ll join me in placing your hand on your heart and calling up the image of a relation you love… or, maybe, spend time in the company of a tree or play in water and squeal with glee or plant seeds of compassion and joy drawing down the  courage of the leo waxing moon… whatever it is, float in devocean, the ocean of devotion with your  wide open heart re-joy-sing in the dream of the cosm – peace in every moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 238 – 8/11/2018

Named Awesome August 11 Bhakti 2012-6-9 Coordinator w the Mostest - Jo

i’m walking the bhakti path today,

floating through life in a buoyant way…

with nothing to do and nowhere to go,

resting still in the ocean, the ocean of flow..

chanting love’s names polishes our one heart,

resonating at the frequency of love you impart

a raising of the vibration of cosmic harmony

attuning us all to the deep peace of great mystery…


a year ago, i stood at an altar of love having flown home for a family wedding uniting the opposites with joy and celebration while across town, Charlottesville was exploding… it was good then to be standing in a unitive field of love balancing the hatred happening blocks away and it’s good to stand with you in love today with each of us invokes the beloved in our own authentic way… perhaps, you’ll join me in placing your hand on your heart and calling up the image of a relation you love… or, maybe, spend time in the company of a tree or play in water and squeal with glee or plant seeds of compassion and joy drawing down the  courage of the leo new moon… whatever it is, float in devocean, in the ocean of devotion with your  wide open heart re-joy-sing in the dream of the cosm – peace in every moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 241 – 8/14/2017

Named Astonishing August 14 Bhakti 2012-6-9 Coordinator w the Mostest - Jo

i’m walking the bhakti path today,

floating through life in a buoyant way…

with nothing to do and nowhere to go,

resting still in the ocean, the ocean of flow..

chanting love’s names polishes our one heart,

resonating at the frequency of love you impart

raises the vibration of cosmic harmony

attuning us all to the peace of great mystery…


after a week of flying with the angels across the vast turbulent sea sky of uncertainty, it’s good to land and stand with you in love today, while each of us invokes the beloved in our own way… perhaps, you’ll join me in placing your hand on your heart and calling up the image of a relation you love… or, maybe, spend time in the company of a tree or play in water and squeal with glee… whatever it is, float in devocean, in the ocean of devotion with your whole wide open wild heart singing, re-joy-sing the psalm of the earth…