Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 275- 9/17/2023

“All paths are the same, leading nowhere.”

~ Don Juan ~

today marks the twelfth anniversary of the occupy movement which inspired me three months later to occupy the abundance of infinite love and gratitude which opened such a beautiful camino where we saunter (walk on holy ground) deeper and deeper into the sacred grove to be one with our wise elders, the tree seers who vibrate at such a profound frequency of interconnection and innerconnection transporting us more and more profoundly into a communion of care resonating now here consciousness, sacred space for activating the inner marriage, the container, the tenemos for holding space for the opposites in the field out beyond where unconditional love guides the way…

yes, Don Juan, in this moment of eternity, i’ll be a broken record: all paths are the same for the journey is the destination, it is the process and not the outcome, the coming home to the heart is what it’s all about, this magical mystery tour, the buen camino, the good red road, this project of awakening, this being in the present moment, the now here…

may we all choose a path with heart, any path resonating as one with heart, follow it wholeheartedly and then rejoice and laugh knowing life will be over altogether too soon and if we choose not to listen and then sing our soul song there is a hole in the web of life…

and, may we all cultivate the feeling with every breath as we all travel this peaceful pathless path with heart of being open to the strength and support and peace of our ever more abundant cosmos generously gifting us whatever is needed…

om shanti, shanti, shantihi…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 275 – 9/17/2022

“All paths are the same, leading nowhere.”

~ Don Juan ~

today marks the eleventh anniversary of the occupy movement which inspired me three months later to occupy the abundance of infinite love and gratitude… today i also remember again the dream of seven years ago of the tidal wave facing me, being in a state of suspension pondering whether i could open myself to the strength flowing through the cosmos, do i have it in me to hold the tension, to feel the dissolution, the loss, can i summon the courage to walk the path with heart?… the more i look into the wave and the more i tune into the breath of great spirit, the more i can deepen into breaking down to breaking through to freedom…

yes, Don Juan, all paths are the same for the journey is the destination, it is the process and not the outcome, the coming home to the heart is what it’s all about, this magical mystery tour, the buen camino, the good read road, this project of awakening, this being in the present moment. the now here…

may we all choose a path with heart, any path resonating as one with heart, follow it wholeheartedly and then rejoice and laugh knowing life will be over altogether too soon…

and, may we all cultivate the feeling with every breath as we all travel this peaceful path with heart open to the strength and support and peace of our ever more abundant cosmos generously gifting us whatever is needed…

om shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 272 – 9/14/2022

“You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe. The significance of you will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume you are fulfilling your significance if you apply yourself to converting all you experience to the highest advantage to others. Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.”

~ R. Buckminster Fuller ~


we all be longing to come home to our one heart

 to awaken and re-member our original space of belonging

where mother waters sing to us of our true nature

one body, one mind, one heartbeat, one love

welcome home to our belonging circle

welcome home to an ocean of love

today, the walk on the camino delivers me into community, truly, a common unity of love and compassion and generosity and encouragement for all the brokenhearted living in the gap of the world that is and the world that can be once our one heart is broken wide open and we all re-member we belong to the universe…  today is the first day of eight days of cosmic unity culminating in world peace day on the twenty-first where we come together and re-weave the world with wisdom and wonder holding ourselves with integrity through whatever comes re-membering we are peace, love and joy in our pure essence…

every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 274 – 9/16/2019

Named Soaring 16 16 2019 Path-with-Heart-Nags-Head-2014-2-019.-1024x768

every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…


All paths are the same, leading nowhere.

Don Juan


yes, Don Juan, all paths are the same for the journey is the destination, it is the process and not the outcome, the coming home to the heart is what it’s all about, this magical mystery tour, the buen camino, the good read road, this project of awakening, this being in the present moment. the now here…

so, may we all choose a path with heart, any path resonating as one with heart, follow it, and then rejoice and laugh knowing life will be over altogether too soon…

and, may we all cultivate the feeling with every breath of having everything needed for this extravagant journey that is life, the quintessential pilgrimage…

as walking the camino of st francis winds down, may i/we continue traveling on a peaceful path with heart, a path where we are at one with the pathfinder…

om shanti, shanti, shantihi…