Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 138 – 5/3/2019

Named Mystical May 3 Juliette in Olympic National Rainforest

every pilgrim/poet on a journey/soul walks the lifelong pilgrimage into the center/core of being where we re-member who we are by our passion for and the grace of great mystery…


mystical may flows in under the waning moon with death so present on the left shoulder whispering to dive ever more deeply into dwelling in the present moment and feeling truly alive with each breath, each mystical breath… i invite you to join me on this pilgrimage starting, of course, right now…

for simply one moment, one wild and precious moment, let’s be here in silence together contemplating the mystical nature of life… grounding ourselves in the milagro field breathing in infinite love and breathing out infinite gratitude to the tune of thank you, thank you, thank you… keeping it simple so we can simply be the miracle of being alive, awake, aware…


mystery before us

mystery behind us

mystery beside us

mystery below us

mystery above us

mystery within us

mystery surrounding us


may we all deepen in wonder and awe every moment, every breath, every step joining with all our relatives in the center, in the stillpoint, in communion, common union with all that is…

namaste, beloveds and mahalo for walking the buen camino home hand in hand and heart to heart…

deep bows…