sixty years ago on this very day when i was a child of eleven years, the thirteen days of the cuban missile crisis came to an end bringing with it a collective sigh of relief that our better angels had prevailed, in deed, fear was reborn as courage, our one heart opened expansively…
today, as everyday, as every moment of eternity, we can choose to presence the astonishing light of interbeing into our lives and welcome this moment as openly as a hollow reed… bearing witness to the viruses of fear, separation, conquest and dominance while mourning the injustices of the world and taking compassionate actions of waging peace and lovingkindness, returning to the cosmic rhythm of harmony and re-membering and celebrating our ability to turn lead to gold, fear to courage… and so today i am walking into the dark, walking on the WILD side and contemplating:
“What in your life is calling you,
When all the noise is silenced,
The meetings adjourned…
The lists laid aside,
And the Wild Iris blooms
By itself
In the dark forest…
What still pulls on your soul?”
~ Rumi ~
today’s call is to silence all noise, adjourn all meetings and lay lists aside to enter the sacred grove deep within the crystalline forest to be with what pulls on my soul when the stream is impeded… what needs grieving so it can be re-leased? What skin needs shedding? what shell has grown too small and needs cracking open?
synchronistically, the young beings i spend the dark night with are in a transition spot as well – so tired and unable to let go so i rock the babes and sing to them until we are in the rhythm of rest-oration and as they sleep peacefully, the stream sings to me, relaxing me into the perfectly choreographed dance of life… in closing this be-wilder-ing moment of eternity ceremony, i re-member the words of beloved ancestor, Mary Oliver:
In Blackwater Woods
“…To live in this world you must be able
to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it
against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.”
thanks bee for this day, this moment of dan-sing in the dark, in great mystery, until we awaken to the light that is always with us, inspiriting the pathless path of our soul song with courage, great heart, to dance one more step, simply one more step, one more breath, simply one more breath…