one by one, breath by breath, moment by moment
each of our individual thoughts words and deeds
transforms the cosmos into beloved communion
as we saunter along the transformative inner pathless path to peace guided by love, we seed the fields of justice…
when we listen deeply, we can hear the re-joy-sing of pachamama just as Rumi did so many moons ago…
on the eve of a potent transformative new moon, let us open our hearts to the joy always bubbling in the core…
If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.
Do not give your heart to anything else
But to the love of those who are clear joy,
Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes: they are real, they exist –
Do not go in the direction of darkness –
I tell you: suns exist.~
yes, dear Rumi, all our relations are gathering, gathering to speak poetry to power…