Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 64 – 2/18/2015

Named February Favorites 18 moon new blackmagic, as in change in consciousness, is in the air today… have you been feeling these winds? hearing their whispers? sensing old ways dissolving as new come into form? our second new moon in aquarius  and a super one at that portending powerful transformation… the more we flow with these tides of change, the more our path is one of grace…

so, i’m re-membering as this tidal wave of energy breaks all around, the one constant is impermanence and i’m opening to the primal rhythm of death and rebirth, of ebb and flow, of being light with every breath, re-membering we are streaming rainbow waves eternally in motion, one with flow…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 339 – November 20, 2014

Named Trees 20 Heart Tree++

the heart of this tree, a childhood favorite haunting place, pulls me inside today giving the space for quiet integration of the momentous move of the last few moons… so much is coming in during this great turning and what once worked sems to now be obsolete as if we all have a new operating system and no manual…

so, i come home to the heart to sit in emptiness, to just be in this moment and breathe in the rhythm of the waves grounding myself in earth mother as the wind blows through and ignites a wildfire out of heart’s embers…

surrendering to the path of heart, sitting in emptiness in the stillpoint of creation, i await the birth of the new from the ashes of the old as darkness turns into light…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 311 – October 23, 2014

Named Open Heart 23 Moon New-in-Scorpio-Resurrection-of-Desire-

how perfect to be in portalandia on this amazing portal day… sun and new moon in scorpio with a partial solar eclipse following the full moon lunar eclipse two weeks earlier…. waning with that full moon diving into shadowy realms embracing the invitation to trust and surrender flowing as the blue moon of transformation… this is the moment to plant seeds that will blossom and grace the new path… the moment to look inside deeply and ignite every wild cell into luminous light… the moment to celebrate being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 246 – August 19, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 19 Infinity Bridge

awaken to a running conversation… get quiet syncing into light… breathing deeply through our one heart, listen for heart whispers… be mother to scared child afraid of being homeless… darling, i love you and will be there for you… come onto my lap and we’ll rock awhile while we breathe in the rhythm of the waves up from the belly of the earth and through our one heart feeling we are coming home, being home and now fully home in the love we are, breathe it out radiating love to all the trillions of wild cells in your body and out and out to the furtherest reaches of our one body… yes, dear one, wherever you go, you are always home…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 242 – August 15, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 15 Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 077 Spirit Lake

Sorrow has played a major chord on the dance this week with so many untimely deaths and conflicts covering the globe… And then i re-member on the pilgrimage back from Mt Rainier coming home by way of Mt St Helen’s and seeing the side that blew and this Spirit Lake which was right in the path of the lava flows and so violently ravaged that her coming back to life was in question but as you can see, sorrow has paved the way for joy as she is so beautifully and miraculously restored… May we all witness the transforming of sorrow into joy…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 172 – June 6, 2014

Named Rhody Garden 6-1-14 034

Looking into the reflecting pool and moving fluidly with the currents, i love these moments of floating down the river and taking it in and breathing it out seamlessly. i love what shows up around the bend, i love what is mirrored in the outer world from inner world contemplation, i love being reunited and in communion with free and easy wanderers, i love noticing how everything in this image and the multiverse is transforming with each breath, i love being wonder…