Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 179 – 6/13/2022

in my corner of the world, the powerful full super moon in sagittarius is exact in a few hours at the crack of dawn so i’m going to start the celebration early… activating the galactic center with potent energy for cataly-sing personal dreams and collective destiny, this sagittarius moon of the archer amplified by mars conjuncting chiron is the moment of eternity to feel your deepest dreams by activating devotional practices held within the wisdom and truth and love of our cosmic heart… moving us into deeper presence, this moon supports our exploring options and making clear and authentic choices…

all over the world, this moon of the wise pilgrim navigating the journey is celebrated as the goodwill festival of humanity, a moment of honoring all that is ripe… falling on the most sacred tibetan buddhist fest day of saka dawa celebrating the buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana, amplifies the lessingsof and gratitude for the gifts of life…



Live purely. Be quiet.

Like the moon, come out

from behind the clouds.

