Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 328 – 11/9/2015

Named Namaste November 9 Smith Rock 11-8-15

as we wend our way home along the route of grace, we are transported to sacred space, high desert earthscape flowing in waves as we travel through Sisters where we follow a rainbow trail, truly, a rainbow trail to Redmond and onto Terrebonne, truly, good earth to breathe in one of the seven wonders of this stunningly beautiful state…

this picture only hints at the beauty and the power of this natural cathedral inspired by volcanic explosions and carved by flowing waters… your breath is taken away while standing on holy ground in the shadow of these towering cliffs…. breathing in the silence of the stone people, i am listening in a deeper way to our ancestors as i bow to their eternal witness and love…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, i have arrived, i am home…  namaste…