Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 163 – 5/28/2023

we are souls floating in sound and light waves singing our songs through our flowing field of starling body instruments…

woo hoo! welcome to 5/28, the miracle solfeggio frequency of flow, a perfect moment to tune into the cosmic hum singing us real-eye-sing we are instruments of peace, love and joy, hollow reeds through which the frequencies of blessing flow in each moment of eternity… it is also the day eight years ago of a 350 mile excursion across Oregon and north to the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers and the states of Washington and Idaho… arriving at the Gateway to Hell’s Canyon, a place i’d never been before, was as exciting as it was novel, a place of naked beauty and muted rainbow colors reflecting in the waters… we had come to the 11,000 year old home of the first people for a dedication ceremony for the listening circle at Chief Timothy Park, a project ten years in the making, a work of love honoring the original people who are now known as the Nez Perce, a people who have always been welcoming to those in need, a people dedicated to living in peace…

perhaps you’ll join with me in re-membering our journey to the stars by breathing in deeply through our one cosmic heart and down, down, down into the belly… into the stillpoint of creation, the watery womb, stable ground of all being, home to peace passing all understanding, beloved community’s belonging place… injoy this moment, this beautiful moment of blessings arising synchronisticly… flowing through you, flowing through me, flowing from the buoyantsea, the hum of cosmic harmony…

thanks be and how fitting that a Lakota seer speaks in 39 words the mission bringing us into the middle of the sea on our way to the other shore for 39 symbolizes liberation and 39 is the age when i spent a summer in a tipi on Rosebud, a Lakota reservation, contemplating this very same spirit journey we are all eternally traver-sing and re-membering that we live in an amazing spiral galaxy of 300 billion stars in a cosmos of 2 trillion galaxies and our galaxy, like ourselves, is ever creating, ever renewing and all of the stars are within us and we are stardust, waves and particles of sound and light compressed and compressed into what looks like matter here on an earth walk to make the quantum leap back into our true nature as dancing stars ever creating, ever renewing…

  let’s seal this sacred space with some four fold deep cleansing breaths imagining we are in a crystalline grove with a river running through that we sit beside in sacred silence… with every breath, we are more and more in ease and equanimity and as we begin to breathe through our one cosmic heart, we say, I Love You, You are my Beloved as we place our hands on our heart embracing ourselves with unconditional love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 163 – 5/28/2022

we are souls floating in sound and light waves singing our songs through our flowing field of starling body instruments…

woo hoo! welcome to 5/28, the miracle solfeggio frequency of flow, a perfect moment to tune into the cosmic hum singing us real-eye-sing we are instruments of peace, love and joy, hollow reeds through which the frequencies of blessing flow in each moment of eternity… it is also the day seven years ago of a 350 mile excursion across Oregon and north to the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers and the states of Washington and Idaho… arriving at the Gateway to Hell’s Canyon, a place i’d never been before, was as exciting as it was novel, a place of naked beauty and muted rainbow colors reflecting in the waters… we had come to the 11,000 year old home of the first people for a dedication ceremony for the listening circle at Chief Timothy Park, a project ten years in the making, a work of love honoring the original people who are now known as the Nez Perce, a people who have always been welcoming to those in need, a people dedicated to living in peace…

perhaps you’ll join with me in re-membering our journey to the stars by breathing in deeply through our one heart and down, down, down into the belly… into the stillpoint of creation, the watery womb, stable ground of all being, home to peace passing all understanding, beloved community’s belonging place… injoy this moment, this beautiful moment of blessings arising synchronisticly… flowing through you, flowing through me, flowing from the buoyantsea, the hum of cosmic harmony…

thanks be and how fitting that a Lakota seer speaks in 39 words the mission bringing us into the middle of the sea on our way to the other shore for 39 symbolizes liberation and 39 is the age when i spent a summer in a tipi on Rosebud, a Lakota reservation contemplating this very same spirit journey we are all eternally traver-sing and re-membering we live in an amazing spiral galaxy of 300 billion stars in a cosmos of 2 trillion galaxies and our galaxy, like ourselves, is ever creating, ever renewing and all of the stars are within us and we are stardust, waves and particles of sound and light compressed and compressed into what looks like matter here on an earth walk to make the quantum leap back into our true nature as dancing stars ever creating, ever renewing…

  let’s seal this sacred space with some four fold deep cleansing breaths imagining we are in a crystalline grove with a river running through that we sit beside in sacred silence… with every breath, we are more and more in ease and equanimity and as we begin to breathe through our one cosmic heart, we say, I Love You, You are my Beloved as we place our hands on our hreart embracing ourselves with unconditional love…
