Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 59 – February 13, 2014

Named freespirit horse


Free at last! Yes, the glow of the Leo Full Moon is already igniting flights of fancy… Tomorrow, when it comes full cry, it will be Valentine’s Day – a perfect day for free love and magic carpet rides on our shamanic journey horse in this the Year of the Horse. Today, i heard of a legend from Slovenia that St Valentine is the Patron Saint of Pilgrims so it seems everything is coming together to create a flow of miracles…

Year of the Horse

Leo Full Moon

St Valentine

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage

Rainbow Miracles

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 51 – February 5, 2014

Flow, Let goToday’s journey has been filled with all kinds of twists and turns i didn’t see coming although i seem to re-member saying that i was open to receiving… At first the tidal wave brought in all kinds of exciting things that i so enjoyed sinking into and then some debris started washing in behind. Now, i breathe in the rhythm of the waves being ebb and flow and ebb and flow.

A small act of vandalism on the road today will not stop the pilgrimage, rather, it shall fuel it moving me to cleanse with ho’oponopono – i’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, i love you…

Happy Trails!

Metta Prayer


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 40 – January 25, 2014

Named Eagle Cloud


Love calls out today warming cod feet and pulling me onto the winding path… Beginning in the garden, our hearts smile as we breathe in the beauty embracing the moment as we walk into the old forest revering the growth and pruning the path to open the way. We learn so much about walking in beauty today as we chip away what is unessential, getting down to bare bones, coming into the truth that all pilgrims come to that less is more and small is beautiful.

Are you hearing the heart whispers? Where is love calling you?

May your walk in beauty amaze….

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 36 – January 21, 2014

Blue Star Sea

Open all windows,

let sunlight come pouring in.

Awaken, arise…

Parting the veils,

peer ahead, seer of

new world breathing in

spiraling, whirling

dancing in rhythm with breeze

always flowing home.


Today, i travel with the tribe of co-hearts committed to co-creating a world we are conspiring and as we dance this path of heart, we re-member who we are, who the world is, we re-member Oneness. Thanks for sharing the journey!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 35 – January 20, 2014

Named Rumi Soul Blue Star Sea

In stillness today,

i am blue waters, gold sun,

 embracing beauty…

On this fourth day of walking in beauty so intense that it feels like a blowtorch has seared my eyes – thank you sister pilgrim, NanLeah – it is a gift to sink into the stillpoint and breathe, inspire…

I just realized

how i love being pilgrim.

poet on journey.

Infusing each breath

with soulful presence, trusting

in sweet surrender…

To the flow, the path

where today i take baby

steps into stillness.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 27 – January 12, 2014

Named Pilgimage SHERO Journey to SELF Lake Tahoe, Dec 2007Do not be satisfied with the stories that came before you. Unfold your own myth.



On the journey today, i stretch and travel to a place i have not been before. It appeared as serendipity, a gift of wonder as i witnessed one, two, three, four rainbows one disappearing and another appearing in its wake moments later. There was never any sign of sun, only gray, rainy sky colored with rainbows. Until this breath, i thought of the sky as blue, gray or black. Now, i know the sky is rainbow and i love dancing the rainbow path…

Rainbow Waterfalls


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 22 – January 7, 2014

Named Rumi JourneysBreathing infinite love and gratitude deeply through our one heart,

we dance together on the path of light…

How could we travel otherwise?

With every breath, we are all on a journey, what i call a SHERO Journey to SELF™…

SMILE                                                                                Stillness

Heart  breathe                                                                    Essence

Embrace                                     Journey to

Reverence                                                                          Love

Open                                                                                   Flow


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 18 – January 3, 2014

Named Light InnerHow delightful to awaken to sun, to commune with sun and to be sun on the journey. As the sun fades into gray, i feel  the radiant warmth of the inner sun infused into trillions of wild cells dancing under the waxing new moon. With each small step along the path of heart, i sing a song of love over the bones which echoes throughout the cosmos… Love is all there is, always being love, always becoming love…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 16 – January 1, 2014

Named Emerge N Sea Goddess FreeToday, under the glow of the new moon and new year, I leap forward fueled by the new, expansive energies – are you feeling it too? Floating on the trail today, i am carried away on gossamer wings and know the comfort of being cradled by the communion of the angelic orders. I am thanks walking, light energy dancing the path of heart guiding us home…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 15 – December 31, 2013

Rumi Love DancingDay 15 on the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage is a dance doubly blessed – in addition to being the last day of this turn around the sun, it is also the Dark Moon, the day before the New Moon. Dark Moon days call forth going into the dark earth of our being and re-membering who we truly are, entering the dance at the stillpoint of creation. Tuning into the hum, the cosmic vibration, we attune to the melody singing us, dancing us, flowing through us, breathing us into life ever more abundant… As we journey together breathing deeply through our one heart, we awaken to the love we are – blessed be!