Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 346 – 11/27/2017

Named Numina November 27 Th'sgiving Re-TREAT Wetlands 2017-11-27 007

today is pregnant with completion…the last day of a magical peace retreat in a land of sun bathing in the fireball’s rays of purification before  re-turning toward a cooler landscape where rains fall gently inviting nesting in cozy reflection…

today is the 77th day of an 11 week odyssey of awakening initiation foreshadowed in early summer with a leap into a blazing fire, a leap of faith into the void, into the unknown and uncertain where we learn of our true nature as beings of light, a light that flames eternally, the sign that we live on forever, we are immortal….

join me in a moment of sun gazing and prayerful contemplation…

Sun Tracks

The track of the sun
across the sky
leaves its shining message,
us who are here,
Showing us we are not alone,
we are yet ALIVE!
And this fire…
Our fire…
Shall not die.

~ Choctaw Prayer ~

may we all awaken and shine on and on…
