drink with the beloved… we’re a caravan you see, moving toward our destiny…
fill your cup, drink it up, ya allah allah
the fish in the water’s not thirsty
~ Kabir ~
such a potent day… the eve of the new moon, the fiftieth celebration of earth day and b’earthday and the cosm has a different way for me to spend this day of eves… the power goes out in my neighborhood which somehow seems to be so in keeping with our planetary pregnancy… to have a pregnant pause and luxuriate in the sea of love energy preparing to plant seeds tomorrow in the holy vessels, seedpots we are feels just right …
we can plant whatever seeds we have the courage to be so take this moment to tune into devocean and conspire, breathe together… as we take a deep breath, let’s fuel ourselves with gratitude and find ourselves in the blink of an eye in the inner temple space of SMILE (Start My Internal Love Engine)… with our next deep breath, let’s relax into the feeling of smiling, of what fills us with love, with joy, with peace, with harmony and luxuriate in this frequency exhaling with an ah of awe… breathing in SMILE and holding it and multiplying the vibration five fold and with the next breath multiplying ten fold and then fifty fold and then a hundred fold, a thousand fold… being a temple radiating the music of the spheres, the cosmic hum, the psalm of re-joy-sing that all is well and we are free to be love’s frequency of peace, joy and harmony… breathing the beloved, being breathed by beloved again and again… breathing in intention, breathing out benefiting all our relations…
joining together under this new moon of the earth to plant seeds of re-new-all weaving an even more beautifull world… blessed be!