this Scorpio Full Moon comes at the threshold of the full blossoming of Spring, and is the most feminine energy moon of the thirteen moons… imagined as a clover field, this moon is ripe with luck. abundance and finding and awakening to metaphorical four leaf clovers, our own pearls of great price…
the pearl represents our higher self, whose enlightenment and wisdom are the manifestation of our true self.. like the Buddha who once sat under this full moon and received enlightenment, we are invited to face our shadows and harvest the gifts and treasures hidden within which releases our true self to arise from the ashes of these old personal and collective stories and to rebirth completely new stories.
part of my new story/our new story is re-joy-sing in our coming together in harmony to hear and sing the deepest soul song of our one cosmic heart…
we are the grace of all that is
how can we honor and serve you?
we find we are longing to fall deeper into you
for we are the grace of you…
now’s the moment to let go the old
soften the earth and plant new seeds
falling into and going with the flow
warmed and embraced by the inner glow
we are the grace of all that is
re-joy-sing in honoring and serving you
walking the path of devotion, we fall deeper into you
into the stillpoint of creation, into the grace of you…