on awakening today to the return of light, i savor standing still with the sun for another day, resting in another eternal moment of softening, surrendering to love, shedding outgrown skins, letting go into the flow of grace, re-membering the mantra i recite many times daily over the past sixty moonths…
“To be whole, let yourself break.
To be straight, let yourself bend.
To be full, let yourself be empty.
To be new, let yourself wear out.
To have everything, give everything up.
Knowing others is a kind of knowledge;
knowing yourself is wisdom.
conquering yourself is true power.“
~ Lao Tzu ~
yes, today is another day of celebrating the astonishing light of our being by celebrating being in the flow of grace, by letting go to radically re-generate and drop into sacred simplicity, by tuning into the cosmic hum, listening to great silence singing us home to the one heart to dreamweave a world of wisdom and wonder, by welcoming us to the star within, star of onederfield, heaven on earth… sacred space of radiant re-birth… breathing in and breathing out, we ride the wave of rainbow light through the night to our home, this moment of de-light…
let’s take this moment of sacred pause to breathe together… get comfortable, breathe naturally and with each inhale, inspire your strengths, your beauty, your courage, your wisdom, your wonder…
now, let’s place our hands on your heart wombspace, our belly, the core of our being breathing these qualities, these energies, these gifts, these presents, this presence deeply into every wild cell in our body while listening for the echos reverberating from the deeps…
as we listen, let’s begin spiral dancing out into a field beyond where we gather to celebrate light… feel your ancestors here and all of us energetically holding hands and feeling the divine light of love passing from one to another to another…
notice now the first light beginning to appear and pour into us and as the golden light showers us, healing us, wholing us, we begin a primal re-joy-sing of alleluia…
thank you for clicking on the link above and chanting alleluia over and over again to kindle, sustain, deepen and celebrate the astonishing light of love we are…
ah lei lu ya… ah lei lu ya… blessed be… blissed be…