today is the day i begin my pilgrimage along the Salish Sea to Cortes Island for the 7 Seals Initiation, only I’m quarantined in Portalandia because of the rupturing of my green eye, the loving eye… so, this pilgrimage of opening portals will be an inner one deep in our one heart, in the stillpoint, perfectly poised to listen to beloved and surrender my heart to our heart.
like dragonfly, i begin this voyage by purifying in healing waters followed with communion with beloveds and off to the temple of healing to hear that my eye is healing better than expected by the high priest… how could it not be so with a whole communion of beautiful beings calling this in…
home to our one heart to enter dreamtime and weave webs of jeweled light as we rise up from the water becoming winged radiant light, flying rainbows painting the skies in wondrous tones of peace and harmony…
and so, the journey begins…