Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 355- 12/6/2023

“may the tide
that is entering even now
the lip of our understanding
carry you out
beyond the face of fear
may you kiss
the wind then turn from it
certain that it will
love your back     may you
open your eyes to water
water waving forever
and may you in your innocence
sail through this to that”

~ Lucille Clifton ~


blessings beloveds, safe passage on the deep sea journey…

awakening butterflies

greet this moment of eternity

breathe in and breathe out


animated motion

in still wave’s sacred center

breathe in and breathe out


walking through shadows

surrendering to the unknown

breathe in and breathe out


enter deep mystery

trusting everything is unfolding for our benefit

breathe in and breathe out


a wing, a prayer

carrying us  all to there

breathe in and breathe out


light, radiant light

at the end of each dark night

breathe in and breathe out


we are home sweet home now

welcome to the other shore

breathe in and breathe out


always breathing in and breathing out through the core… deep peace of the flowing river…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 355 – 12/6/2022

“may the tide
that is entering even now
the lip of our understanding
carry you out
beyond the face of fear
may you kiss
the wind then turn from it
certain that it will
love your back     may you
open your eyes to water
water waving forever
and may you in your innocence
sail through this to that”

~ Lucille Clifton ~


blessings beloveds, safe passage on the deep sea journey…

awakening butterflies

greet this moment of eternity

breathe in and breathe out


animated motion

in still wave’s sacred center

breathe in and breathe out


walking through shadows

surrendering to the unknown

breathe in and breathe out


enter deep mystery

trusting everything is unfolding for our benefit

breathe in and breathe out


a wing, a prayer

carrying us  all to there

breathe in and breathe out


light, radiant light

at the end of each dark night

breathe in and breathe out


we are home sweet home now

welcome to the other shore

breathe in and breathe out


always breathing in and breathing out through the core… deep peace of the flowing river…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 353 – 12/4/2021

blessings beloveds, safe passage on the deep sea journey…

awakening butterflies

greet this moment of eternity

breathe in and breathe out


animated motion

in still wave’s sacred center

breathe in and breathe out


walking through shadows

surrendering to the unknown

breathe in and breathe out


enter deep mystery

trusting everything is unfolding for our benefit

breathe in and breathe out


a wing, a prayer

carrying us  all to there

breathe in and breathe out


light, radiant light

at the end of each dark night

breathe in and breathe out


we are home sweet home now

welcome to the other shore

breathe in and breathe out


always breathing in and breathing out through the core…


ah, today was moving day with the rains mostly holding off and things flowing smoothly until it was time for internet/phone installation which didn’t happen… even this glitch in being able to connect with the outer world comes to be seen as blessing/blissing which opens interbeing to a more expansive and deepened appreciation of simply what is, to those whispered words of wisdom to let it be… deep peace of the flowing river…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 353 – 12/4/2017

Named Descending 4 Poetic Peace Pilgrim at Waterfall

blessings beloveds, safe passage on the deep sea journey…

awakening tears

greet this moment of mourning

breathe in and breathe out


suspended motion

in still wave’s sacred center

breathe in and breathe out


walking through shadows

surrendering to the unknown

breathe in and breathe out


enter deep mystery

trusting everything is grace

breathe in and breathe out


a wing, a prayer

carrying us  all to there

breathe in and breathe out


light, radiant light

at the end of each dark night

breathe in and breathe out


we are home sweet home now

welcome to the other shore

breathe in and breathe out


always breathing in and breathing out…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 353 – 12/4/2015

Named Divine December 4 SHERO Journey to SELF Transportation

today is such a day as has been every day for the last six moons when, quite literally and in all (other) ways, a leap of faith is my only transportation and holy synchronicity! grandmother spider, exactly one year later you have woven me into the web in a similar state of suspension… poised in the eternal quest ion – to be or not to be… blessings, beloveds, for safe passage on the deep sea journey…

awakening tears

greet this moment of mourning

breathe in and breathe out


suspended motion

in still wave’s sacred center

breathe in and breathe out


walking through shadows

surrendering to unknown

breathe in and breathe out


enter mystery

trusting everything is grace

breathe in and breathe out


a wing, a prayer

carrying us  all to there

breathe in and breathe out


light, radiant light

at the end of each dark night

breathe in and breathe out


we are home sweet home

welcome to the other shore

breathe in and breathe out
