Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 31 – 1/16/2019

Named Journey 16 Jo Rainbowmaker Rumi Beauty Be

let us take this wild and precious moment to put compassion into action by being lovingkindness as we join with the caravan of re-joy-sing to sing out to all our relations a song of strength, a song of courage, a song of spirit, a song of wisdom to hold us in the hard times inspiring our taking one more step when we feel we can’t go on and to open our one heart ever wider to and for each other as we all suffer losses each and every day with dreams changing form and flying away… everything is fleeting, only love is real, so, may we walk in beauty around the prayer wheel… may we be true refuge for all our relations sheltering each other through storms and desolation, returning home with each breath to create anew, a more beautiful cosmos, holy ground for me and you… may we comfort each other rekindling our inner flame circle dancing joyously together  once again…


Oh Great Spirit, we raise smoke to the four sacred winds and the four corners, so that the blessings can reach our brothers and sisters in every corner of Great Mother Earth, while the smoke disperses all over Father Sky, lit by Mother Moon.

Let the smoke pass to each their blessing
and do away with all sorrows and unhappiness,
fill their homes with love, and the light of your wisdom.
If any be sick, cure them,
If sad, make them happy,
If they have needs, fulfill them.
Give them all your love as they love you.
They can give testimony to your power and mercy, and most important your love.
Oh Great Spirit, we love you with all our heart as we love our brothers and sisters all. We are your servants and theirs. We ask for only one thing – give us strength to keep going on doing as we do on this spirit path.
So it is!
~ Native American Blessing ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 257 – 8/30/2018

Named Awesome August 30 Gratitude Tahoma Equinox 2014 016+

as awesome august draws to a close, i awaken on this new day with two words playing through me… maitri and karuna… lovingkindness and compassion… how much we need these nutrients, sun and moon mountain and sea, wisdom and strength… how much we all require these most essential nutrients as we meet each moment fully, as we meet each moment as friend, as sacred moment to attune to the core, the ground of all being… peace…

the more turbulence in the world, the more we are called to be lovingkindness for ourselves and all others… this moment’s turbulence and ruptures also whisper of letting go, of traveling lightly between the worlds of here and now and the great beyond… deeper and deeper into mystery, the silence beyond all words…

may we take this moment and every moment to open our eyes and realeyes the awesomeness of the cosmos as we wander in wonder dancing gracefully in rhythm with the great cosmic hum…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 52 – 2/6/2018

Named Freely Flowing 7 Pachamama, Sage of Beautyway

a day of silencio and stillness, a day of feeling the kindness of rhythm on the pilgrimage…. a day of hearing the cries of the world rising in frequency and intensity, a day of feeling the quickening of collective birth pangs, a day of gathering with midwives to co-llaborate on empowering space for dreams, encouraging strength to take one more step, celebrating the new song gestating, trusting in the call of soul…

and, so, i turn to kuan yin, goddess of compassion, protector of women, children, sailors, fishermen, anyone in trouble, and the sick, disabled, and poor… she who walks the boddhisattva path foregoing enlightenment until all sentient beings are liberated and free from suffering…

according to legend, kwan yin tried so strenuously to alleviate the suffering of all beings that her head split into eleven pieces… buddha awarded her eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the world and when she heard all the cries and reached out to address the needs of so many, her two arms shattered… now, buddha gives her a thousand arms to offer her compassion to all…

may our one heart remain always open being lovingkindness to all and may we all reside in the peace passing all understanding real-i-sing the beauty of our true nature of joy…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 32 – 1/17/2018

Named Journeying 17 Rumi Flowing Water Whale Watching.

let us take this wild and precious moment to put compassion into action by being lovingkindness as we join with the caravan of re-joy-sing to sing out to all our relations a song of strength, a song of courage, a song of spirit, a song of wisdom to hold us in the hard times inspiring our taking one more step when we feel we can’t go on and to open our one heart ever wider to and for each other as we all suffer losses each and every day with dreams changing form and flying away… everything is fleeting, only love is real, so, may we walk in beauty around the prayer wheel… may we be true refuge for all our relations sheltering each other through storms and desolation, returning home with each breath to create anew, a more beautiful cosmos, holy ground for me and you… may we comfort each other rekindling our inner flame circle dancing joyously together  once again…


Oh Great Spirit, we raise smoke to the four sacred winds and the four corners, so that the blessings can reach our brothers and sisters in every corner of Great Mother Earth, while the smoke disperses all over Father Sky, lit by Mother Moon.

Let the smoke pass to each their blessing
and do away with all sorrows and unhappiness,
fill their homes with love, and the light of your wisdom.
If any be sick, cure them,
If sad, make them happy,
If they have needs, fulfill them.
Protect them from all evil. Please Father, keep them well in good health,
give them long life and wealth. Give them all your love as they love you.
They can give testimony to your power and mercy, and most important your love.
Oh Great Spirit, we love you with all our heart as we love our brothers and sisters all. We are your servants and theirs. We ask for only one thing – give us strength to keep going on doing as we do on this spirit path.
And so it is! Amen.
~ Native American Blessing ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 53 – 2/7/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 7 2017 Pachamama, Sage of Beautyway

a day of holy synchronicity, a day of feeling the kindness of rhythm on the pilgrimage…. a day of hearing the cries of the world rising in frequency and intensity, a day of feeling the quickening of collective birth pangs, a day of gathering with midwives to co-llaborate on empowering space for dreams, encouraging strength to take one more step, celebrating the new song gestating, trusting in the kindness of the rhythm…

and, so, i turn to kuan yin, goddess of compassion, protector of women, children, sailors, fishermen, anyone in trouble, and the sick, disabled, and poor… she who walks the boddhisattva path foregoing enlightenment until all sentient beings are liberated and free from suffering…

according to legend, kwan yin tried so strenuously to alleviate the suffering of all beings that her head split into eleven pieces… buddha awarded her eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the world and when she heard all the cries and reached out to address the needs of so many, her two arms shattered… now, buddha gives her a thousand arms to offer her compassion to all…

may our one heart remain always open being lovingkindness to all and may we all reside in the peace passing all understanding realizing the beauty of our true nature of joy…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 325/1055 – 11/5/2016


for the past four hundred and ninety-five days, i have gathered with another, an extraordinary being of shining light, in sacred communion to voice lovingkindness blessings for all that is… each evening, we join at the threshold to offer ourselves and everything we are to the field out beyond… we envision the whole cosmos joining in and experiencing the true reality of oneness where we see all our relations as numinous love…

invoking this divine light of grace every day is one of the most transformative paths i have ever walked; sauntering along this rainbow trail of devotion daily, with this gifted guide, teaches and shows me the way of saging gracefully…

on this very special day, the anniversary of your birth, i celebrate you with this blessing prayed every morning by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a blessing you walk and talk each day…

May I be a guard for those who need protection

A guide for those on the path

A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood

May I be a lamp in the darkness

A resting place for the weary

A healing medicine for all who are sick

A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles

And for the boundless multitudes of living beings

May I bring sustenance and awakening

Enduring like the earth and sky

Until all beings are freed from sorrow

And all are awakened.


deep bows and boundless love, beloved flow-er of beauty and soul of the space wherever your soles are kissing the earth, our one heart eternally smiles as we walk the spirit path together…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 166 – 5/30/2016

Named Mysterious May 30 singing mountain the-sound-of-music.

a day of re-joy-sing on the pilgrimage as we resound the new notes and frequencies anchoring them into our bodies and activating the inner pools of genes to come more alive and circulate in rippling waves throughout the light body and the great beyond raising the flow tide of consciousness and lifting and deepening the sails of our one mothership…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 32 – 1/17/2016

Named Journeying January 17 NA Sadness

2016 is being proclaimed as a year of putting compassion into action; let us begin by being lovingkindness in this moment and singing out to all our relations a song of strength, a song of courage, a song of spirit, a song of wisdom to hold us in the hard times inspiring our taking one more step when we feel we can’t go on and to open our one heart ever wider to each other for we all suffer losses each and every day with dreams changing form and flying away… everything is fleeting, only love is real, so, may we walk in beauty around the prayer wheel… may we be true refuge for all our relations sheltering each other through storms and desolations, returning home with each breath to create anew, a more beautiful cosmos, holy ground for me and you… may we comfort each other rekindling inner flame and dance joyously together round the circle once again…