Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 216 – 7/20/2015

Named Joyful July 20 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Rainmaker 1+i love the story of the rainmaker… i love donning this energy of balance and journeying into an unbalanced field…. i love plopping down in the center and being very still…. i love tuning into cosmic hum and being harmony… i love the rains coming as naturally as the sun and moon and stars when we rest in the stillpoint and incarnate oneness…. thousandfold thanks earth mother and sky father for always raining blessings on the children of the universe…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 85 – March 11, 2014

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Sun ReflectionSo many moments, beautiful moments of communion on the rainmaker path today and as the moon waxes, i wane in the ocean of being called to silently witness all the colors as they fade out into the dark mystery…

Named Rainbow 3-10-14 002Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rainmaker, for entering Stillness and bringing forth harmony…

Named Spiral++