we see peace and compassion in the world, thank you for gifting them…
yes, on this most auspicious day under the wesak full moon of blessings and enlightenment where the impossible is possible, yes, i know peace prevails on earth…
today, i “travel” to the land of the rising sun with Mt Fuji as background to join in an annual global event begun in 2005, a symphony of peace prayers when humans from all cultures and faiths are welcomed to pray for/intend peace in the world…
following the offerings of prayers for peace on earth, there’s an amazing ceremony with each of the 194 flags of the countries on earth brought forward so we can all chant together peace in _ saying peace in the country’s native language…
it is so beautiful, encouraging, heartening and inspiring to be awash in this symphony of peace…
here is the vision for a world of peace…
As individuals responsible for the future of life on Earth, we hereby declare that:
• We affirm the divine spark in the heart and mind of every human being and intend to live by its light in every sphere of our existence. • We commit ourselves to fulfilling our shared mission of creating lasting peace on Earth through our ways of living and acting. • We intend to live and act so as to enhance the quality of life and the well-being of all forms of life on the planet, recognizing that all living things in all their diversity are interconnected and are one. • We will continually strive to free the human spirit for deep creativity, and to nurture the transformation necessary to forge a new paradigm in all spheres of human activity, including economics, science, medicine, politics, business, education, religion, the arts, communications and the media. • We shall make it our mission to design, communicate and implement a more spiritual and harmonious civilization—a civilization that enables humankind to realize its inherent potential and advance to the next stage of its material, spiritual, and cultural evolution.
The Fuji Declaration
AWAKENING THE DIVINE SPARK IN THE SPIRIT OF HUMANITY For a Civilization of Oneness with Diversity on Planet Earth
peace prevails on earth…
Tag Archives: PEACE Prevails on Earth
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 118 – 4/13/2019
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.
~ John Kennedy ~on this day, may we come together standing in love for love to invoke peace…
Peace to all beings
Whether near or far
Known or unknown
Real or imaginary
Visible or invisible
Born or yet to be born.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace to all beings
Within and beyond the imagination
In the world of ideas
In the world of memories
And in the world of dreams.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace in all elements
Of earth, air, fire and water
Fulfilled in space
Peace in all universes
From the smallest cells in our bodies
To the greatest galaxies in space
And light rising
Peace to all beings
Within each being here
To those beings that have been in the past
And to those beings that are yet to be in the future
May all beings
Within each being here
Be well and happy
And free from fear…may we listen deeply for gaia’s call connecting with the wisdom of the ancestors on whose shoulders we stand celebrating those who have stewarded earth mother for ten thousand years…
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 277 – 9/19/2018
every moment is pregnant with the promise of peace… with every breath, consciously practice peace saying/feeling… i am peace, may we all be peace with every breath… for all the moments of today on this high holy day of at-one-ment and the remaining two days of global unity across the planet, we will be intending deep peace culminating on friday with the International Day of Peace… thanks to all for joining in a heartfelt effort to be peace for our cosmos…
We call all noble-hearted people to find within the light of love and divinity that dwells in them from immemorial times, since their souls have existed.
May this light … expand on the earth showering her face with peace and harmony.
May this light … calm and harmonize the black shadow of war, violence, hate and disharmony .
May this light … fill the hearts of all people and the sites of nations where the shadow of violence has found a place to stay.May this light reach the hearts and minds of ALL the Heads of State,
of ALL leaders of the revolution from right to left from north to south.We extend our profound gratitude to all the Mamos (Shamans) of the world, all men, women and children from different cultures, races and creeds, from all cardinal directions who have joined us and those who will join us in this effort to raise a prayer for peace and nonviolence .
We wash away the cries of the distressed, the blood of the victims of violence, the pain of their families.
May they be replaced by the innocent laughter of children, the ideals of youth and the wisdom of life of our elders.
May we no longer know the signs of strife: to hear birds singing sorrows, nor watch clouds stained with blood, nor feel breezes intense with heat, nor see rivers swollen by the mountains’ tears .
May new fraternal bonds of unity and peace formed through our invocation together embrace humanity in harmony with itself and with nature.shanti shanti shantihi
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 234 – 8/7/2018
Seventy-three years ago, the beautiful child in this image, Sadako, was 2 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on her city of Hiroshima during the second world war… Nine years later, she developed the atomic bomb disease, leukemia… Hearing the ancient Japanese story that says when you fold 1000 paper cranes your wish will be granted, Sadako was able to fold 644 cranes with her wish for healing before she died at twelve years old from atomic radiation…
Inspired by her courage and strength, her friends and classmates dreamed of creating a monument to memorialize their friend and all children killed by the bomb. Young people all over the land of the rising sun realized their dream a couple of years later when in 1958 a statue of Sadako holding a golden crane was unveiled in the Hiroshima Peace Park. The children also made a wish. It is inscribed at the bottom of the statue and reads:
“This is our cry, This is our prayer, Peace in the world”.
Today, people all over the world continue to fold paper cranes and send them to Sadako’s monument in Hiroshima.
May we all take up their cry and prayer of peace in the world… May there be peace on earth and may it begin with me and thee…
Om, shanti….
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 132 – 4/27/2018
this earth day is one of celebration as our earth citizen chant, may peace prevail on earth, took a giant leap forward with it being the first time a North Korean leader has ever set foot inside South Korea… during this historic meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said “I came here to put an end to the history of confrontation.” the South Korean President, Moon Jae-In, proclaims, ” Kim Jong-un and I declared together that there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and a new age of peace has begun…”
yes, today, indeed, is a celebration for all world citizens/siddhizens …
peace prevails on earth!
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 119 – 4/14/2018
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.
~ John Kennedy ~on this day, may we come together standing in love for love to invoke peace…
Peace to all beings
Whether near or far
Known or unknown
Real or imaginary
Visible or invisible
Born or yet to be born.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace to all beings
Within and beyond the imagination
In the world of ideas
In the world of memories
And in the world of dreams.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace in all elements
Of earth, air, fire and water
Fulfilled in space
Peace in all universes
From the smallest cells in our bodies
To the greatest galaxies in space
And light rising
Peace to all beings
Within each being here
To those beings that have been in the past
And to those beings that are yet to be in the future
May all beings
Within each being here
Be well and happy
And free from fear.The Great Invocation was provided through Alice Bailey by Master Djwhal Khul in 1945, and the traditional version uses the accepted gendered language of that time:
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 355 – 12/6/2015
our mother’s heartbeat is echoing through all our relations… feel the momentum building as more and more of us hear her call to rise up and stand together as one large orchestra playing a seamless symphony and re-joy-sing in the harmony we embody as a beautiful wave now encircling the cosmos – peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… peace prevails on earth, love is all there is… namaste…