Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 131 – 4/26/2022

on this earth day in the portal of beltane in the northern hemisphere and samhain in the south when the veils are thin and fairies dance , will you join me in listening to an ancient story of opening our hearts to our true nature of wisdom, of radiance, an incandescence, a fire that always burns fiercely, magnificently at the core of being no matter how overwhelming things are for our little selves… notice where this story pulls you as we walk home together under the waning moon on the path of transformation…

once upon a time, a young woman was feeling abandoned and overwhelmed at the loss of love… fear clutched her, overwhelmed her and she went searching for a cure for love in the marketplaces, in the temples and nothing would open her heart… she heard tell of a sage who lived in a cave high up on a mountain that towered over her village and so she began the arduous journey to connect with the sage within the cave… she found him bent over a fire in the cave and asked if he had a cure for love and he asks her to return in three days for an answer and she sits in the unknowing of whether there’s a cure and returns as requested…

the sage tells her he has all the ingredients for a love cure save one – would she be willing to get this ingredient? of course she would, nothing was as important… the sage tells her she needed to bring him the whisker of a living tiger, a whisker from around his mouth close to his teeth… she protests that she is not up to such a dangerous assignment and he reminds her that she said she would gladly find the one missing ingredient and so she makes her way down the mountain and back to her hut where she continues to contemplate this overwhelming task while feeling more abandoned than ever… as she eats her dinner of rice, it comes to her that tigers have to eat as well and she fixes a bowl of rice for the man-eating tiger that lives on the other side of the mountain from the sage… she re-members that tigers aren’t vegetarian and adds some meat sauce for the tiger and takes off up the mountain to find the tiger… when she reaches a place where fear would not let her go any further, she left the bowl and made her way back to the hut…

night after night, she would venture back in search of the tiger, stepping over the empty bowl and going a little further and leaving another full bowl… one night as she was stepping over the previous night’s empty bowl, she saw the tiger coming towards her and she said that she meant him no harm and that she was on a mission for her soul… as he ate his nightly offering, she summoned her courage and plucked a whisker from his mouth and he pretended not to notice…

dancing down the mountain, the young woman couldn’t wait to return to the sage… the next morning, she made her way to the sage and handed him the whisker which he dropped into the fire and she watched the missing ingredient turn to ash… outraged, she asked why the sage did that and he asked her how she’d been able to accomplish such an impossible task… she recounted how each night she had faced her fear and made her way up the mountain to find the tiger… the sage then asked if the her heart was more dangerous than the heart of a tiger and she real-eyesed that in facing her fears, her heart opened… she now knew her heart, her fear, her soul… she journeyed to the wise center of being and to the fierce, magnificent radiance on the other side of the coin, so to speak…

facing the depths of the ocean of being is overwhelming… sitting in the timeless feelings of abandon and not abandoning ourselves, sitting in the fear and taking one more step is the eternal way of opening the heart ever more widely… fear is the thoroughfare of transformation… so when fear rises , know the true self is calling you into being more of the fullest expression of your true self…


take one more step

offer gratitude


“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.”
 ~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 276 – 9/18/2019

Named Soaring 18 2019 Dream-Cave-Heart-

every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…


This is how you change
when you go to the orchard
where the heart opens:

you become
fragrance and the light
that burning oil gives off,

long strands of grieving hair, lion
and at the same time, gazelle.

You’re walking alone without feet,
as riverwater does.

The taste of a wine that is bitter and sweet,
seen and unseen, neither wet nor dry,
like Jesus reaching to touch.

A new road appears without desirous imagining,
inside God’s breath, empty, where you quit saying
the name and there’s no distance,
no calling dove-coo.

A window, a wild rose at the field’s edge,
you’ll be me,
but don’t feel proud or happy.

Bend like the limb of a peach tree.
Tend those who need help.
Disappear three days with the moon.

Don’t pray to be healed, or look for evidence
of “some other world.”
You are the soul
and medicine for what wounds the soul.

~ Rumi ~


walking the camino of peace has been such a deepening and widening of the heart of sky transporting me into a cave of illumination and silence and is a perfect prelude to the next adventures including leaving on a jet plane in a few hours to celebrate my mother’s ninety-fifth birthday and begin on friday  a week of climate action and forty days devoted to climate meditation. and saturday is the international day of peace and monday is equinox…

for the next week, i’ll be meeting you in the field out beyond and on the inner plane as i’ll be unplugged and tuning in through the ethers…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 131 – 4/26/2018

Named Awakened 26 Wedding Trip Pilgrimage 047 Oceanside Cape Meares

on this earth day, will you join me in listening to an ancient story of opening our hearts to our true nature of wisdom, of radiance, an incandescence that always burns fiercely, magnificently at the core of being no matter how overwhelming things are for our little selves… notice where this story pulls you as we walk home together on the path of transformation…

once upon a time, a young woman was feeling abandoned and overwhelmed at the loss of love… fear clutched her, overwhelmed her and she went searching for a cure for love in the marketplaces, in the temples and nothing would open her heart… she heard tell of a sage who lived in a cave high up on a mountain that towered over her village and so she began the arduous journet to connect with the sage within the cave… she found him bent over a fire in the cave and asked if he had a cure for love and he asks her to return in three days for an answer and she sits in the unknowing of whether there’s a cure and returns as requested…

the sage tells her he has all the ingredients for a love cure save one – would she be willing to get this ingredient? of course she would, nothing was as important… the sage tells hershe needed to bring him the whisker of a living tiger, a whisker from around his mouth close to his teeth… she protests that she is not up to such a dangerous assignment and he reminds her that she said she would gladly find the one missing ingredient and so she makes her way down the mountain and back to her hut where she continues to contemplate this overwhelming task while feeling more abandoned than ever… as she eats her dinner of rice, it comes to her that tigers have to eat as well and she fixes a bowl of rice for the man-eating tiger that lives on the other side of the mountain from the sage… she re-members that tigers aren’t vegetarian and adds some meat sauce for the tiger and takes off up the mountain to find the tiger… when she reaches a place where fear would not let her go any further, she left the bowl and made her way back to the hut…

night after night, she would venture back in search of the tiger, stepping over the empty bowl and going alittle further and leaving another full bowl… one night as she was stepping over the previous night’s empty bowl, she saw the tiger coming towards her and she said that she meant him no harm and that she was on a mission for her soul… as he ate his nightly offering, she summoned her courage and plucked a whisker from his mouth and he pretended not to notice…

dancing down the mountain, the young woman couldn’t wait to return to the sage… the next morning, she made her way to the sage and handed him the whisker which he dropped into the fire and she watched the missing ingredient turn to ash… outraged, she asked why the sage did that and he asked her how she’d been able to accomplish such an impossible task… she recounted how each night she had faced her fear and made her way up the mountain to find the tiger… the sage then asked if the her heart was more dangerous than the heart of a tiger and she real-eyesed that in facing her fears, her heart opened… she now knew her heart, her fear, her soul… she journeyed to the wise center of being and to the fierce, magnificent radiance on the other side of the coin, so to speak…

facing the depths of the ocean of being is overwhelming… sitting in the timeless feelings of abandon and not abandoning ourselves, sitting in the fear and taking one more step is the eternal way of opening the heart ever more widely… fear is the thoroughfare of transformation… so when fear rises , know the true self is calling you into being more of the fullest expression of your true self…


take one more step

offer gratitude


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 365 – December 16, 2014

Named Plgrimage of PEACE Ocean 5-13-2009

one whole turn around the sun of flowing in beauty on the poetic peace pilgrimage which is quite simply breathing into presence, being the now, embracing what is and…

Named Divine 3 Kaua'i Room with a View++++

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, i keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude, coming back home to the heart where i experience over and over again a…

Named Blessingway 11 Oregon Coast Pilgrimage July 2014 003 Wildpeace


Named Trees 28 Kaua'i 11-28-14 019 Rainbow


how i love this practice of pilgrimage, being a poet on an interior deep sea journey where we are all walking each other home…

Named Kaua'i 11-28-14 028+

and we are all…

Named Rainbow Sea of Love Harmony++

thanks for showing up with every breath and sharing the journey…

flowing in beauty

in the field of divine grace

always being the soul of that place


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 310 – October 22, 2014

Named Open Heart 22 Hummingbird Rick Derevan

infinite love and gratitude, grandmother spider for weaving such an amazing beautyway on the pilgrimage today… thank you for delivering me from anxiety of becoming into ease of being, from very uncomfotable, stretched to the maxness to the comfort of universal support…. thank you for sending hummingbirds to germinate flowers in the field so we are free to flow as naturally currents in the sea…. thank you for this moment of being openhearted, of always being love, thank you for flowing through me in beauty being the soul of the space wherever i may be…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 292 – October 4, 2014


Dancing with, Listening to and Opening Our One Heart with Beloved Binah

1985 – 2014Named Open Heart 4 Binah

“I find myself in an excruciatingly uncomfortable place of shift, of endings and beginnings, both uncertain and slow yet deep and undeniable~ i feel the tectonicplates of my world shifting~ i feel grief, letting go, fear anger joy and grace. May the depth of my yes continue to birth me through. Whatever comes to pass i know my deep desire to be of the highest service to the earth and humans relationship to her. I wish to find a deeper devotion to the inner artist. Greater Simplicity, Depth, Joy, true cocreation at its highest octaves of beauty and divine guidance. May the harvesting of my experience and revelations thus far continue to digest so that i may implement them in this next cycle of my unfolding. May I give this gift that is my life to the beings and spaces that they will be most utilized, wanted, and efficient. I offer this all up to the great mystery in humble reverence and surrender.”


All week i’ve been chanting the heart sutra, the magical mantra that liberates all suffering. This morning after a beautiful dolphin dancing communion, i heard that Binah had returned to the sea and i heard the mantra flowing through us all…


Go. Go. Go to the other side of the shore. We
all together go to the other side of the shore, and
this is a quick way to achieve Enlightenment.

May we all realize we are being the highest service…

Mahalo, Binah! Aloha

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 289 – October 1, 2014

Named Open Heart 1 Key

every day during October the pilgrimage is going to be an open heart devotion and i begin with a master of this walk….


Story by: Dalai Lama

I believe that every human being has an innate desire for happiness and does not want to suffer. I believe that each of us has the same potential to develop inner peace and thereby achieve happiness and joy. If one has a positive mental attitude then, even when surrounded by hostility, one will not lack inner peace. On the other hand, if one’s mental attitude is more negative, influenced by fear, suspicion, helplessness, or self-loathing, then, even when surrounded by one’s best friends, in a nice atmosphere and comfortable surroundings, one will not be happy.

In my own case, at the age of 16, I lost my freedom, and at 24, I lost my country. I have been a refugee for the last forty years, with heavy responsibilities. As I look back, my life has not been easy. However, throughout all these years I learned about compassion, about caring for others. This mental attitude has brought me inner strength. One of my favorite prayers,  translated roughly, is:

So long as space remains,
So long as sentient beings remain,
I will remain,
In order to help, in order to serve,
In order to make my own contribution.

That sort of thinking has brought purpose to my life. No matter how difficult or complicated things may be, if we have this type of mental attitude we can have inner peace.

Spiritual growth need not be based on religious faith. I believe that the methods by which we increase our altruism, our sense of caring for others, and by which we develop the attitude that our own individual concerns are less important than those of others, are common to all major religious traditions. Though we may find differences in philosophical views and rites, all religions advocate love, compassion, and forgiveness. And even persons who do not believe in religion can appreciate the virtues of basic human values.

Since our very existence and well-being are a result of the cooperation and contributions of countless others, we must have a proper attitude and way of relating to them. In the past, countries, regions, and even villages were economically independent of one another. Under those circumstances the destruction of one’s enemy might have been a victory for oneself. Today we are so interdependent that the concept of war has become outdated. When we face problems or disagreements today, we have to arrive at solutions through dialogue. We cannot destroy our neighbors! We cannot ignore their interests! Doing so would ultimately cause us to suffer.

Non-violence does not mean that we remain indifferent to a problem. On the contrary, it is important to be fully engaged. However, we must do so in a way that does not benefit us alone. We must not harm the interests of others. Non-violence, therefore, is not merely the absence of violence. It involves a sense of compassion and caring. I strongly believe that we must promote non-violence at the level of the family as well as at the national and international levels.

We must try to develop greater perspective, looking at situations from all angles. Usually, when we face problems ,we look at them from our own point of view. We even sometimes deliberately ignore other aspects of a situation. This often leads to negative consequences.

Sometimes, due to a very small matter, a fight starts between a husband and wife, or a parent and child. If you focus merely on the immediate problem, then yes, it really is worth fighting and quarreling. It is even worth divorcing! However, looking at the situation with more perspective, we see that though there is a problem, there is also a common interest. You can come to feel, “This is a small problem which I must solve by dialogue, not by drastic measures.” We can thereby develop a non-violent atmosphere within our own family, as well as within our community.

Another important practice in training our minds involves learning to distinguish between the negative qualities of conceit or arrogance and those of positive pride or self-confidence. In my own practice, when I have an arrogant feeling, “Oh, I’m somehow special,” I say to myself, “I’m a human being and a Buddhist monk. I thereby have a great opportunity to practice the spiritual path leading to Buddhahood.” I then compare myself to a small insect in front of me and think, “This little insect is very weak, with no capacity to think about philosophical matters. It has no ability to develop altruism. In spite of the opportunity I have, I behave in this stupid way.” If I judge myself from this point of view, the insect is definitely more honest and sincere than I am.

Human emotions are very powerful and sometimes overwhelm us. This can lead to disasters. I think that anger and hatred actually cause more harm to us than to the person responsible for our problem. Imagine that your neighbor hates you and is always creating problems for you. If you lose your temper and develop hatred toward him, your digestion will be bad, your sound sleep will go, and you will have to start to use tranquilizers and sleeping pills. You will have to increase the doses of these, which will harm your body. Your mood will be affected, and as a result your old friends will hesitate to visit you. You will gradually have more white hair and wrinkles, and you may eventually develop more serious health problems. Then your neighbor will be really happy. Without having inflicted any physical harm he will have fulfilled his wish!

If, in spite of his injustices, you remain calm, happy, and peaceful, your health will remain strong, you will continue to be joyful, and more friends will come to visit you. Your life will become more successful. This will really bring about worry in your neighbor’s mind. I think that this is the wise way to inflict harm upon your neighbor. You must not consider tolerance and patience to be signs of weakness. I consider them signs of strength.

When we are faced with a person or group of people wishing us harm, we can view this as an opportunity to develop patience and tolerance. We need these qualities; they are useful to us. And the only occasion we have to develop them is when we are challenged by an enemy. So, from this point of view, our enemy is our Guru, our teacher. Irrespective of their motivation, from our point of view they are very beneficial, a blessing.

There is a Buddhist practice where one imagines giving the source of all joy to another person, thereby removing all their suffering. Though of course we cannot change their situation, I do feel that in some cases, through a genuine sense of caring and compassion, through our sharing in their plight, our attitude can help alleviate that person’s suffering, if only mentally. However, the main point of this practice is to increase our inner strength and courage.

I have chosen a few lines that I feel would be acceptable to people of all faiths, and even to those with no spiritual belief. When reading these lines, if you are a religious practitioner, you can reflect upon the divine form that you worship. A Christian can think of Jesus or God; a Muslim can reflect upon Allah. Then, while reciting these verses, make the commitment to enhance your spiritual values. If you are not religious, you can reflect upon the fact that, fundamentally, all beings are equal to you in their wish for happiness and their desire to overcome suffering. Recognizing this, you make a pledge to develop a good heart. It is most important that we have a warm heart. As long as we are part of human society, it is very important to be a kind, warm-hearted person.

May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy.
May the forlorn find new hope,
Constant happiness and prosperity.
May the frightened cease to be afraid,
And those bound be free.
May the weak find power,
And may their hearts join in friendship

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso is the head of the Tibetan Government in Exile and the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 251 – August 24, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 24 Sunflower Festival Aug 2014 002

awaken today as a sunflower and so much so that i’m magically transported to a field of like beings where the more we open to the sun and flow in the light, the more we SMILE (Start My Internal Love Engine) and the more we SMILE, the more we open our one heart… are you feeling the love? meet us in the field of sun flow ers to dance in beauty celebrating our light beingness…

Jo Sun