Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 134 – April 29, 2014

Named Moon New with Rainbow++

I awaken to this day faced with a quandary which i answer by listening to desire – gift from the stars – and follow the call of the new moon in Taurus to…

soften into earth

as roots deepen into core

listen to whispers


Softly and insistently, the cosmic hum sings me into the way to walk home, the path with heart for today is to be held by our mother the earth and in being this sacred space, i heal or make whole the sacred wound of feeling separate from earth mother and be the true ultimate reality that we are one, we are all related and this is the new story we are all called to live by…

tapping into flow

being radiant beacon

dancing soul song


Lighthouse Let_Your_Light_Shine

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 101 – March 27, 2014

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage JourneyI travel this day as a free and easy wanderer of the center wondering how the moments will unfold. Floating in the ocean of our being like on a fluffy cloud flowing through the sky, i am perfectly positioned to immerse fully in life and witness all the clouds flying by…

It is a good way to walk the path of radical simplicity, less and less attached, freer and so more open to embracing what comes and what goes like the breath coming in and going out transporting us deeper and deeper into the center of the earth where in the stillness we re-member we are one with all that is, we are love dancing in the rhythm of luminous waves…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 76 – March 2, 2014

Named Still Point

Walking on the wild side on Day 76

revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

discarding all, lightening up seems the  proper fix

senses are adjusting to what is really real


revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

senses are adjusting to what is really real

so very disorienting, this nothingness point of view


from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

celebrate  the chaos that births the dancing star, no longer

so very disorienting, this nothingness point of view

breathing in and breathing out vibration of purr


Walking on the wild side on Day 76

revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

breathing in and breathing out vibration of purr

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 74 – February 28, 2014

Named Dolphins Dancing

I have come to this world to be this…

dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun

flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum

I have come to this world to see this…


dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun

bidding farewell as she sinks into the one

I have come to this world to see this…

I have come to this world to be this…


bidding farewell as she sinks into the one

breathing in this moment of the now setting sun

i have come to this world to be this

embracing the stars, moon and ocean in a kiss


breathing in this moment of the now setting sun

embracing the stars, moon and ocean in a kiss

i have come to this world to be this

i have come to this world to be one

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 73 – February 27, 2014

Named Moon New with Rainbow

I have come to this world to be this…

I have come to this world to see this…

I have come to this world to become this…

I have come to this world to hear this…


I have come to this world to see this…

All my relations living as one

I have come to this world to hear this…

All my relations breathing as one


All my relations living as one

dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun

All my relations breathing as one

flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum


I have come to this world to be this…

dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun

flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum

I have come to this world to see this…

Tree Leaves

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 60 – February 14, 2014

Named Rumi Surrender to Seahorse Love

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today and everyday, our pilgrimage is a journey of love, blessed by St Valentine, Patron Saint of Pilgrims. Diving deeply into the sea of love energy where…

Every breath a prayer

Every step a meditation

Always being flowing love


Yes, in this moment, we are love, dancing in ever widening circles of love, swirling, whirling one with divine matrix…

Named Spiral

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 48 – February 2, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Child in Sea of Clouds


Today’s journey finds me dancing with reality – what if much of what we’ve been told is untrue? Dreaming morphs into sharing the journey with dear friends, perfect playmates in this field of the watery womb, the divine matrix. In this sacred space, this circle of illumination, i know we are One and we are Love and all i need to do is breathe that into my bones with every breath to be the PEACE that passeth all understanding.


Waking in Beauty

to the field of flowing grace

always being the soul of that place

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Dance, dance wherever we may be…