Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 311 – 10/23/2015

Tomorrow (Saturday 10/24/15) we celebrate Global Oneness Day… Yes, I know, in truth, everyday is global oneness day, cosmic oneness day, every moment is cosmic oneness moment, for all that is, is One… Truly, no separation, only togetherness, nothing disowned, all belongs…

Forty-four years ago following an amazing awakening experience, i saw and knew in every cell that all that is, is One. Seven months ago while on pilgrimage in the mists of Avalon, again, i had the visceral knowing of being one body, of being in lak’ech…

you are my other i.

when i do harm to you,

i do harm to myself.

when i love and respect you,

i love and respect myself.

may we all be in lak’ech with every breath…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 265 – 9/7/2015

Named Serene September 7 Kaua'i BeachSerene September, a moon of surrender, of dancing a path of devotion and seeing blessings everywhere, a moon of shedding old skins like the trees dropping leaves, a moon of being sacred space, of living simply, of simply living, a moon of massive earth movement, a moon of diving deeply into the ocean and opening the portal to the river below the river, a moon of resting on grandmother’s lap as the water flows freely flooding the landscape, a moon of witnessing and waiting for the water to settle trusting that it will, a moon of being blessingway…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 77 – 3/3/2015

Named Miraculous March 3 Tree Leaves

I have come to this world to be this…

I have come to this world to see this…

I have come to this world to become this…

I have come to this world to hear this…


I have come to this world to see this…

All my relations living as one

I have come to this world to hear this…

All my relations breathing as one


All my relations living as one

dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun

All my relations breathing as one

flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum


I have come to this world to be this…

dancing our prayer as we turn around the sun

flowing in beauty to the cosmic moon hum

I have come to this world to see this…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 5 – 12/21/2014

Named Divine 21 Soulstice Invocationtoday, i stand still with the sun as we birth and nurture light and reflect on and resound a song echoing inside from childhood on, This Little Light of Mine… And, yes, as the words direct, i’m gonna let it shine, shine on the old story burning it away leaving us free to draw down the power of the Capricorn new moon to be the new cosmic story…

PEACE on Earth and Goodwill to All Our Relations

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 328 – November 9, 2014

Named Trees 9 Redwood

gathering around redwood tree

with budding, beloved community

we bless this space, our sacred grove

with each of our relatives a treasure trove


touching the tree touches we

re-membering our roots – oneness reality

standing in center, standing for we

we stand with you and witness beauty


bridge to the heavens and earth far below

now lit by beloved community’s glow

wherever we wander, we are always home

re-membering by heart our redwood dome


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 312 – October 24, 2014

Named Whale Watching 2014 017 Echo-La

on this day of global oneness,i celebrate with a hymn of the wind…


possessing my voice, wind sings through me

transmuting into the wild deep sea

like a wave, I AM rolling rhythm

humming wind’s melody, the eternal aum…

when you hear these lost chords, dance them with me

awakening wonder in great mystery

breathing, being wind liturgy

singing pure heart’s ecstasy…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 302 – October 14, 2014

Named Open Heart 14 Nags Head 2014 2 028 Sun to Sea

feeling lost at sea, the way out i cannot see until i hear great mystery whispering to let it be… you are in flow wherever you go, surely you know there is only flow… a moment of crisis brings us to our knees, a perfect place to re-lease… all illusions of separation transmuted now into the field of unification… returning home to the watery womb, resurrected now from the dark tomb…