Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 208 – 7/12/2018

Named Jocund July 12 New Moon Supermoon Dream Cave Awakening

are you feeling like you are in the vortex of  mind-bowing change? of  course you are, we are in quite a potent threshold – new moon supermoon soular eclipse in cancer whose already deep feminine energy is amplified by the eclipse which may bring up deep ancestral emotions…

so let us join hands together and draw down the energy of this dark moon calling us into the dream cave of our one heart and be with whatever is there seeing it as an opportunity to purify…

water, we thank you

water, we love you

water, we respect you

now, name the seeds you will be planting

drink the blessed water of life

blessed be


yes, this moment and every moment i’m accompanied on the journey into the heart by a child named Bliss… without her by my side this moment and every moment, i would not find the courage to take another step… owing her my all, in return, i devote each breath to her as we rock gently in the waves of creation. may we all care for all our relatives, all the children of the earth being healing presence sowing seeds of joy in our cosmos of peace built on justice guided by unconditional love flowing and being the light she sees in the dark…