Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 241 – 8/14/2015

Named Amazing August 14 Moon New Invocation

i love invoking the energy of the new moon, i love drawing down the darkness and planting myself in her field to germinate… i love  placing my attention and intention in sister moon and receiving the new life, the new story, the new song as the seed breaks open through the ground under the feet of moon goddess…

i love flowing in the rhythm of new moon tides and feeling the surge of reaching a new shore, i love sensing the long wait is over, the time of being on hold, suspended, is done and quickening is now here…

i love dancing in the dark, empty and free, to welcome the new rising harmony…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 221 – July 25, 2014

Moon New Invocation

I’ve been on the road today as we make a pilgrimage to Mt Ranier,,, Have a moment to post and wanted to honor the New Moon in Leo that will shine over this massive mountain tomorrow afternoon. Such a fertile time for seeding intentions and then to watch them gather strength as the new moon waxes…. What is calling to be birthed in you? As i float into dreamtime, i’ll be winging a path of intention….