Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 171 – 6/4/2016

Named Jubilee June 4 moon new black in gemini.

after yesterday’s restorative sleeping beauty rest, i awaken in beauty for this new moon in gemini, this seventh moon of the thirteen moons known as the earth regeneration moon, to set intentions for this moment, every moment, this day, this moon…

as we relax into the stillpoint by deeply breathing through our one heart way down into the belly, the earth of our being, we contemplate what is it we value deeply and wish for all our relations throughout the cosmos… especially if no specific answers arise, trust the answers are unfolding in perfect rhythm…

now, let’s set an intention, a commitment, a tone… let’s use the four immeasurables prayer:

May all beings attain happiness and its causes.

May all beings be free from suffering and its causes.

May all beings never be separated from joy that is free of misery.

May all beings abide in equanimity, free from bias, attachment, and aversion.


bless the flowing waters and the flying merry sprites…