Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 123 – 4/18/2015

Named Awesome April 18 Moon New with Rainbow+++first new moon of the new astrological year… intensifying the energy of new moon, new story… a day of contemplating what is to be planted for this rebirth, this new story… we are rapidly approaching critical mass to make the shift that gaia already has, to re-member who we are and to serve that knowing wholeheartedly…

in joy, contemplate this new moon, this new story and how it will sing you and dance you and come alive…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 93 – 3/19/2015

Named Miraculous March 19 Moon New Solar-Eclipse-NASA

do you hear the moon’s siren call during this trifecta which has been a long time coming and it’ll be a long time coming again… in this once in our lifetime moment, let’s pause reverentially and breathe in the sea of love energy summoning the courage to write a new song, a new dream for the earth and the heavens above, a dream befitting a shift into love… love is the ocean flowing through us, love is the blood coursing through our veins, love is woven into the akasha, braided into our dna, love is the field where all of us play witnessing the mystery unfolding this day…

drawing down the new moon energy, opening the space sacredly, we are poised in the stillpoint of creation, perfectly positioned to choose liberation… to choose a way that works for one and all, to wholeheartedly answer yes to the call…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 64 – 2/18/2015

Named February Favorites 18 moon new blackmagic, as in change in consciousness, is in the air today… have you been feeling these winds? hearing their whispers? sensing old ways dissolving as new come into form? our second new moon in aquarius  and a super one at that portending powerful transformation… the more we flow with these tides of change, the more our path is one of grace…

so, i’m re-membering as this tidal wave of energy breaks all around, the one constant is impermanence and i’m opening to the primal rhythm of death and rebirth, of ebb and flow, of being light with every breath, re-membering we are streaming rainbow waves eternally in motion, one with flow…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 311 – October 23, 2014

Named Open Heart 23 Moon New-in-Scorpio-Resurrection-of-Desire-

how perfect to be in portalandia on this amazing portal day… sun and new moon in scorpio with a partial solar eclipse following the full moon lunar eclipse two weeks earlier…. waning with that full moon diving into shadowy realms embracing the invitation to trust and surrender flowing as the blue moon of transformation… this is the moment to plant seeds that will blossom and grace the new path… the moment to look inside deeply and ignite every wild cell into luminous light… the moment to celebrate being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 252 – August 25, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 25 Moon New with Rainbow++++

i love this new moon and the opportunity to honor virginal power, being one with SELF (Stillness Essence Love Flow), i love this moon phase as the moment to go into darkness, the unknown trusting that in emptying, surrendering to the divine, all is well as we open space in the depths of the watery womb to be seeded anew with our heart’s deepest longings… i love smiling with new moon as she breathes intention into life…

Heart Whispers from the SHERO Journey New Moon Intention Field

What a beautiful new moon and one that days before had called us so deeply into the stillness, the SHERO Journey that we all travel. How radiant the light is today infusing all the trillions of the wild cells of our one body with warm embraces…

Awakening in the glow of the New Moon, I flow in the empowering currents of the cosmic dance, the AbunDANCE, in the field of miracles. With a SMILE, our one heart breathes more and more radiance through us and i look with love at all that is…

Embracing all that is, I breathe this deeply through our one heart with a chorus of thank yous transporting me into a reverie of all the blessings freely given and received. With rapt attention, i love, Love, LOVE this reverencing of life…

Holding this sacred space, this grace place, this spark that ignites the deep sea journey is the greatest gift – i love sojourning with you!