Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 235 – 8/7/2016

Named Awakening August 7 Meeting Moment 2012-6-9 Coordinator w the Mostest - Jo

in this moment, in every moment as we saunter along the peace pilgrimage path, we begin with a smile to start my internal love engine and rev up the love with a continuous loop of thank yous while breathing deeply through our one heart and down, down, down into the belly, our core, the stillpoint where the dance of creation begins…

being fully present in the here and now, in the only moment there is in unconditional openness, we are able to respond to everything that arises with an embrace… in this intimate connection, we enter a reverential state inspiring our one heart to open ever wider…

i love dwelling in the sacred space of our collective womb where we witness in wonder the weaving of trillions of iridescent threads into one seamless cosmic tapestry and when we listen very deeply we hear the hum of all our relations entraining the many notes into one frequency… love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 206 – 7/9/2016

Named Joyous July 9 Blessing Present and Witnessingtoday’s pilgrimage, an inner journey to the planet’s heart chakra to listen to great mother’s whispering wellspring and an outer journey of communion with beloved openhearted friends, is one of delicate beauty, a uniting of the opposites… seeing the pain, loss and suffering here on earth and the resiliency, hope and trust always flowing from source throughout the cosmos, freely and generously given, ours for the opening… for opening to great mystery is one of those simple and elegant truths of how to roll with the rhythms of the cosmic hum… being open, being organically present, emptying now… being the hollow reed, an instrument of peace, meeting this moment fully, meeting it as the beloved…