here we are… children of the earth, citizens of the cosmos, all gathered in the quantum field of unity where we speak truth to power and stand for peace and justice and love and compassion…
“Just as compassion is the wish that all sentient beings be free of suffering, loving-kindness is the wish that all may enjoy happiness. As with compassion, when cultivating loving-kindness it is important to start by taking a specific individual as a focus of our meditation, and we then extend the scope of our concern further and further, to eventually encompass and embrace all sentient beings. Again, we begin by taking a neutral person, a person who inspires no strong feelings in us, as our object of meditation. We then extend this meditation to individual friends and family members and, ultimately, our particular enemies.
We must use a real individual as the focus of our meditation, and then enhance our compassion and loving-kindness toward that person so that we can really experience compassion and loving-kindness toward others. We work on one person at a time.”
~ The Dalai Lama ~
yes, may we all work on one person at a time re- membering Love Trumps Hate, many hands make Light work and it’s light and only light that drives out darkness…
standing in solidarity for love as we open and walk through the Imbolc portal welcoming the new light and life germinating from our resting in the deep earth of being…