Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 324/1054 – 11/4/2016


we live in such interesting times… on the one hand, even though wealth inequality is astronomically unbalanced, there are fewer poor people, fewer hungry people, fewer children die and more of us are literate and still we live in an age of anxiety… what’s going on?

we are subjected to a constant barrage of “if it bleeds it leads” headlines, there are mighty problems of violence, injustice and environmental disruption and there’s something else… spiritual malnourishment… we all require feeling needed, we all have a hunger to serve…

as buddhist sages have taught for centuries, “if one lights a fire for others, it will also brighten one’s own way.”

let’s take this moment to kindle our inner fire and others’ outer fires by being lovingkindness and compassion with every breath… nothing is more needed on our planet and we can never have too much of this energy, and, in these interesting times, we are overflowing with opportunities to make a profound difference…