Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 163 – 5/27/2016

Named Mysterious May 27 Magical Realm.

twenty-three hours of floating through the clouds and atmicshere of graceland along a migratory pathway pulling us through the proverbial tunnel, the bumpy wormhole into a magical realm of  green and yellow, love and joy the coins of this realm, the currency of this buoyant sea…

findhorn community, a place i have known of for almost half a century, is now a living reality as Magical Mac, the brawny Scotsman with a hypnotizing brogue conducts us to the field of dreams and the magical cottage which is our home for the next few hours, portal of entry into sacred space where all who are led find the horn of plenty, prosperity flows as love’s frequency grows…

yes, we are home, we have arrived… graceland opens to wondoorland as we see through the eyes of love, as we be the cosmic hum of harmony… namaste…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 224 – July 28, 2014

Named Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 017 Lake SunriseBack home in Portalandia after a spectacular sojourn, it’s a wonderful day to reflect on this most recent magical mystery tour and celebrate my father’s life on what would be his 92nd birthday… He gifted me with his belief that i could do/be anything and i think he would have loved sharing the birthday pilgrimage with us, actually, he probably did walk with us because from the moment we entered the Olympic Peninsula we walked with the ancestors….

I love our gift of an extra day, the day out of time in the 13 moon calendar for us to begin the pilgrimage of surrender and then to enter wholeheartedly into Rainier on the new moon in Leo is an awesome blessing as was the hummingbird waiting for us at the entrance gate to lead us into joy beyond imagining…

I am completely and totally in love with this mountain, what a blessing to surrender all to her and to flow in beauty being the soul of the space where Tahoma dwells…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 12 – December 28, 2013

Named Blue Star Spiral PathI’m feeling comfortable on the journey today as i ease into a different rhythm called forth on this road less traveled, this spacious flight path grounded in every grain of sand, every wild cell… With every breath through our one heart, i am excitement building about the places we’ll go on this magical mystery tour. Hell YES! to traveling lightly which clears the way to be free flow, one always with the deep blue sea…

Named Blue Star Portal