Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 44 – January 29, 2014

Sandpainting believe


A big piece (and peace) of being a Poetic PEACE Pilgrim is living life as a sand painting which i begin to color on first awakening and continue with every breath as the painting paints me. As i float into the night sea journey, the winds blow the sands into the waters.

Today’s journey is all about receiving a continuous infusion of 100% pure love – so much more healing than any chemical – and what falls into my lap – an amazing sand painter and one of his paintings is featured above.

To continue this beautiful journey: http://www.viralnova.com/beach-art/

Happy Trails!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 40 – January 25, 2014

Named Eagle Cloud


Love calls out today warming cod feet and pulling me onto the winding path… Beginning in the garden, our hearts smile as we breathe in the beauty embracing the moment as we walk into the old forest revering the growth and pruning the path to open the way. We learn so much about walking in beauty today as we chip away what is unessential, getting down to bare bones, coming into the truth that all pilgrims come to that less is more and small is beautiful.

Are you hearing the heart whispers? Where is love calling you?

May your walk in beauty amaze….

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 39 – January 24, 2014

Named dance


Stretching, baby stepping, dancing today as moon’s glow fades into brilliant sun light and a journey through a tube turns into a quest to reach the mountain top. The view from the aerie – panoramic and breathtaking – aligns perfectly with the soul of this place, sacred space to co-create the beautyway we be. Flowing like a river to source, we come home to the heart – how i love sharing the journey with you!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 37 – January 22, 2014

Rainbow Walking

Waking up…

sand painting anew

beginning with gray, adding brown,

now i see green, looking for rainbow…

blowtorch to cold feet igniting combustion

dancing rainbow gold.

Are you feeling the breath of the ancients breathing us on the pilgrimage today? I awaken to the winds blowing in grief and feel loss and begin to dance with this partner twirling and whirling into the beyond where in the silence i hear acutely the spirits whispering to turn loss around and it is sol, soul – the winding way of loss leads into the spacious emptiness of soul – Mahalo, Ancestors!

Love dancing this rainbow path with you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 35 – January 20, 2014

Named Rumi Soul Blue Star Sea

In stillness today,

i am blue waters, gold sun,

 embracing beauty…

On this fourth day of walking in beauty so intense that it feels like a blowtorch has seared my eyes – thank you sister pilgrim, NanLeah – it is a gift to sink into the stillpoint and breathe, inspire…

I just realized

how i love being pilgrim.

poet on journey.

Infusing each breath

with soulful presence, trusting

in sweet surrender…

To the flow, the path

where today i take baby

steps into stillness.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 31 – January 16, 2014

Turtle Birth

Watery cycling

inspires dreams of winged flight and

innocence reborn.

Today’s journey begins in dreamtime with my riding my bike on a beautiful mountain road and i see up ahead lovely puddles to fly through and re-member how much i have always loved and still love to leap into water and to be a nomad of the sea…

What matters most in this moment? Leaping into life, being love, every breath a deeper dive into the light of the sea of love energy…

Sea Turtle 2

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 29 – January 14, 2014

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Celebrating birth

today on the deep blue sea

 journey into love…

Every breath today is celebration, this 29th day of pilgrimage honors the birth of my daughter and all that is for she and the all that is gives birth to me in every moment. Dancing with the sun carries me into the stillpoint of creation to dream and listen…

Named Eagle Cloud

Yes, I Am, Are You?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 25 – January 10, 2014

Named Rumi Surrender to Seahorse Love

Sea Epiphany!

Winds whisper and waves resound:

Surrender to Love.


Hell YES! This is the path, the way I dance this breath, this moment by following the course that love inspires. Many moons ago, I moved into a space of bliss filled with what made my heart smile. Dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude, flowing in the rhythm of the waves deepens every sojourner and opens each of us to the wide and deep spaciousness of the ocean of love we are.

A few moons ago, i re-committed to choosing love with every breath. Deeply into dream cycle now, i re- member how i am/we are here to be

As i live the the questions central to us all and contemplate what really matters, i always come home to love and the one heart we share. Love always finds the way, love is the way and this pilgrim loves sharing this journey with you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 23 – January 8, 2014

Named Rumi Touch Sun and Sea 030


For today’s journey, I want to get out there by going in and touching the inner sun shimmering over the ocean we are – such a lovely day of gray on the outside calling us home to the heart to listen to the sounds of the waves as they/we find our way to shore and begin to breathe in the rhythm of the waves, gently ebbing and flowing, now, dreaming in rhythm with the waves…

Sol power inspires

the flowing ocean of love

to embrace us all…