Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 22 – January 7, 2014

Named Rumi JourneysBreathing infinite love and gratitude deeply through our one heart,

we dance together on the path of light…

How could we travel otherwise?

With every breath, we are all on a journey, what i call a SHERO Journey to SELF™…

SMILE                                                                                Stillness

Heart  breathe                                                                    Essence

Embrace                                     Journey to

Reverence                                                                          Love

Open                                                                                   Flow


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 21 – January 6, 2014

Named Jan 5, 2014 Epiphany Feast

What really matters?  How do i serve?

Love is all there is.  Be love.

I am/we are Poetic PEACE Pilgrim/s pioneering the 21st Century Oregon Trail manifesting our destiny of awakening our one illuminated heart.

I am/we are Rainmaker/s re-treating into sacred space, the blessed land belonging to us, Beloved Community.

We are beings of the beautyway

dancing as stars in the sky above

painting with sand in the earth below.

We are people flowing in harmony with the river below the river.

Always being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 19 – January 4, 2014

Named Re-TREAT 12-13 Camp Colton Canyon CreekAwakening in the house of my grandmother to heavy grayness, i know where the journey calls me to and so i flow down, down, down to the sacred space below where i attune to hum which opens the hidden door to the tunnel of treasures. Smiling, i bow to enter and crawl on my hands and knees through the rich, dark earth guided by Blue Star…

Named Blue Star VortexHere i stand once again at the Bend in the River Beloved awed by the beauty and surprised by how low the river is. Weeping, i realize how i am to serve in this moment – as my tears raise the water level, rainmaking brings harmony…

It is good to re-member that all things belong to Oneness.



Dancing in rain is

what the rainmakers call in –

celebrating all…



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 18 – January 3, 2014

Named Light InnerHow delightful to awaken to sun, to commune with sun and to be sun on the journey. As the sun fades into gray, i feel  the radiant warmth of the inner sun infused into trillions of wild cells dancing under the waxing new moon. With each small step along the path of heart, i sing a song of love over the bones which echoes throughout the cosmos… Love is all there is, always being love, always becoming love…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 17 – January 2, 2014

Named TreehouseJourneying, being the path with heart today, we tune into the hum and SMILE breathing deeply through our one heart embracing all that is and saying thank you to everything we meet on the pilgrimage. As we be the flow, we are pulled more and more into the current that is ours, we are at one, we are oneness, we are the beautyway of harmony, peace and love with every breath bringing us deeper into the recesses of our ever expanding home… It is so simple – yes, we are so excellent at making life complicated – just breathing through our one heart and listening to what the heart whispers…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 15 – December 31, 2013

Rumi Love DancingDay 15 on the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage is a dance doubly blessed – in addition to being the last day of this turn around the sun, it is also the Dark Moon, the day before the New Moon. Dark Moon days call forth going into the dark earth of our being and re-membering who we truly are, entering the dance at the stillpoint of creation. Tuning into the hum, the cosmic vibration, we attune to the melody singing us, dancing us, flowing through us, breathing us into life ever more abundant… As we journey together breathing deeply through our one heart, we awaken to the love we are – blessed be!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 13 – December 29, 2013

Fiery Dance by Vladimir Kush To Understand a Flower is to know the Mysteries of Creation ♥

If you wish to become a pilgrim

Treading the path of love,

you must first find great humility and

become nothing more than dust and ashes.


Dancing the journey today begins in the spaciousness of emptiness, of letting all that was burn away to clear the way for this moment. What a joy to inhabit the one heart with you, to walk the spirit path with you calls forth that peace beyond understanding. Thank you for the grace encoded in each breath breathing me…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 10 – December 26, 2013

Reflecting Circular BridgeOn today’s journey, i pause and reflect into the pool of love that ripples out into ever widening circles and breathe infinite gratitude for the all that we are always being love and always becoming love… I see a picture of us, the one heart that we are and here is a representation…

Heartbundance Field


I love being on this pilgrimage with you and how we are like flocks of geese traveling the flight path with a grace and ease when experienced together. I’ll close with an invitation to all my relations:

Rumi Love CircleIn this wild and precious moment, with this breath, may we all awaken to the love we are…