Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 269- 9/11/2023

every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…

such a conscious quest i’m on these last six years to do just that – to awaken every wild cell in this one cell of the one body we all are and what an adventure transmuting the lead into gold…

on this iconic day of flames etched in the collective unconscious, on this 9-11 day i re-member six years ago when my fire eye, the eye suffering a devastating injury surrendered to the inflammation process that had been percolating for so many moons… the pain was as intense as when the eye had been first been clawed and once again it was not looking good… shuttled from hospital department to department for tests and more tests, i stayed in constant communion with beloved expressing my doubts about being up for this calling to surrender and awaken in the most transformational way to date… this intense purification has geometrically progressed turn around the sun after turn around the sun for these last many moons opening me and so many others to the deepest, most conscious awakening initiation ever…

as with all calls to initiation, i (and i know i am in great company) did not feel i had it in me to make this pilgrimage and, yet, in surrendering to limited outer sight, a rhythm of  synchronisiddhi, of meaningful co-incidence followed opening my broken heart to a heart broken wide open… holy synchronicity, in this deep pool of reflection, a re-membering flows by… today is also the tenth anniversary of the first outer poetic peace pilgrimage, a day when i connected with Sacajawea who vowed to guide me through the wilder-ness…

poised on the precipice of the beginning of the seventh year of this conscious awakening cycle, it’s so interesting to find myself once again in the midst of making another leap onward, another strenuous challenge catapulting me into another letting go and emptying to make space for the new world…

thanks be for the awakening project we call life guided by the inspirited soul emphatically, magnetically pulling us home to be instruments of peace, hollow reeds, channels for source energy to pour the creative elixir of love through…

so, on a day such as this, under the spell of this moment of eternity, may we let go of  the inessential and re-member what truly matters is who we really are…

in closing, on this 22nd anniversary of 9-11, may we have the courage to face whatever is, both inner and outer, and hear the cries of the world and ourselves… may we listen to the old master and transmute the darkness within by sitting quietly, invoking the invisible reams and plugging into source energy to empower right action… the wisdom of the serpent coupled with the gentleness of the lamb…

another day of re-membering, a day of moment after moment of connecting the dots, a day of walking through the shadowlands and taking one more step and one more step, a day of surrendering all to the call to be true, a day of  centering in the stillpoint listening deeply to ancestors’ whispers while viewing the moon: empty, surrender, let go, be present, relax, trust, open our one heart a little wider receiving the eternal unstoppable flow, a day of dancing divinely on the rainbow trail made all the more special by dancing with beautiful relatives of the serving spirit tribe… thousand fold thanks…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 269 – 9/11/2022

every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…

such a conscious quest i’m on these last five years to do just that – to awaken every wild cell in this one cell of the one body we all are and what an adventure transmuting the lead into gold…

on this iconic day of flames etched in the collective unconscious, on this 9-11 day i re-member five years ago when my fire eye, the eye suffering a devastating injury surrendered to the inflammation process that had been percolating for so many moons… the pain was as intense as when the eye had been first been clawed and once again it was not looking good… shuttled from hospital department to department for tests and more tests, i stayed in constant communion with beloved expressing my doubts about being up for this calling to surrender and awaken in the most transformational way to date… this intense purification has geometrically progressed turn around the sun after turn around the sun for these last many moons opening me and so many others to the deepest, most conscious awakening initiation ever…

as with all calls to initiation, i (and i know i am in great company) did not feel i had it in me to make this pilgrimage and, yet, in surrendering to limited outer sight, a rhythm of  synchronisiddhi, of meaningful co-incidence followed opening my broken heart to a heart broken wide open… holy synchronicity, in this deep pool of reflection, a re-membering flows by… today is also the ninth anniversary of the first outer poetic peace pilgrimage, a day when i connected with Sacajawea who vowed to guide me through the wilder-ness…

poised on the precipice of the beginning of the sixth year of this conscious awakening cycle, it’s so interesting to find myself once again in the midst of making another leap onward, another strenuous challenge catapulting me into another letting go and emptying to make space for the new world…

thanks be for the awakening project we call life guided by the inspirited soul emphatically, magnetically pulling us home to be instruments of peace, hollow reeds, channels for source energy to pour the creative elixir of love through…

so, on a day such as this, under the spell of this moment of eternity, may we let go of  the inessential and re-member what truly matters is who we really are…

in closing, on this 21st anniversary of 9-11, may we have the courage to face whatever is, both inner and outer, and hear the cries of the world and ourselves… may we listen to the old master and transmute the darkness within by sitting quietly, invoking the invisible reams and plugging into source energy to empower right action… the wisdom of the serpent coupled with the gentleness of the lamb…

another day of re-membering, a day of moment after moment of connecting the dots, a day of walking through the shadowlands and taking one more step and one more step, a day of surrendering all to the call to be true, a day of  centering in the stillpoint listening deeply to ancestors’ whispers while viewing the moon: empty, surrender, let go, be present, relax, trust, open our one heart a little wider receiving the eternal unstoppable flow, a day of dancing divinely on the rainbow trail made all the more special by dancing witht beautiful relatives of the serving spirit tribe… thousand fold thanks…