Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 148 – 5/13/2019

Named Mystical May 13 Heart Pilgrimage Radiance Hug.

a day of rocking the baby and coming deeper and deeper into the sacred space of the heart…. another pilgrimage into slowing down rhythms and being peaceful repose… free to be fully present in the eternal moment of now, open to lovingkindness circling through the web of life…

may we all come together in this moment to breathe the infinite love we are through our one heart blessing the cosmos as the cosmos blesses all that is in a seamless circle eternally…

we are a vast sea of love energy… tuning into the awesome frequency is as simple as a smile to start my internal love engine and some deep heart breaths to slow down and embrace and reverence this moment, this beautiful moment which opens our one heart ever wider to radiate love…

may we all live a meaningful life, one of purpose, of wevolution, of being compassion and loving kindness with every breath, with every step tuning into and dancing the frequency of awe…  in the potent field at the stillpoint where there’s only the dance, the dolphin dance of unconditional love, of exquisitely fluid ease and grace, of wholeness in the buoyantsea while side by side the lava lake roars underground to awaken us to the fires of purification we know are coming…

deepest bows and thousandfold thanks for this blessed day, this surrendering what’s outgrown to make space for the new, for the true… may we always embody the dream of the dolphin – being joy, being love, being harmony…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 136 – 4/30/2016

Named Appreciation April 30 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Jeweled Profile.

as we close this moon of Appreciation April, i am so grateful to to bless this space we share… this deep space of awakening the fire as the sun shone through aries moving into grounding profoundly in the core of our being, dropping down into the rich nurturing earth of taurus… this space of listening deeply as great mystery hums our soul song through us and we echo it to each other… to return, return, return to love by opening our one heart to divine flow’s breathing us, singing us, praying us, dancing us, comforting us, supporting us, freeing us, animating us, blessing us, consecrating us in this moment, this beautiful moment, in every moment, every beautiful moment…  namaste, beloveds… may we dance rainbow mystery devotedly…