Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 175 – 6/9/2015

Named Jubilant June 9 Heart Pilgrimage with Stone People of Heart+the initiation ceremony is soon to begin… the consensus is that a few sutures to the eyelid from an urgent care will fix me right up, so, knight in shining arrmor, jeff, and i go off on the long and winding road healing mission… urgent care sends us to the emergency room of a local hospital who realizes the injury is far more serious than just a totally lacerated eyelid… as all helicopters were in use, i got ambulanced to Washington’s #1 trauma center, Harborview in Seattle where the only 2 surgeons that could perform this surgery are…

so far every person we encounter is such a beautiful being of light and they are all amazed at my great spirits… i’m stretchered into their ER, thought i’d seen busy ones before but Harborview takes the cake… again, everyone is so upbeat and so concerned…. even when the doctor said this surgery was about saving my eye and i might not regain vision, it was still a beautiful party and, no, i wasn’t on any drug but love, the most intoxicating drug of all…

eight hours later, i’m still on a stretcher in the hall waiting for an OR or hospital room to open when an angel of mercy appears saying that, finally, an OR is available… one minute i’m breathing deep breaths and then what seems like the next moment, although it’s 3 hours later, the surgeon is telling me all is well… and there’s even a room for me after the recovery room… Hallelujah!

soon, my daughter is calling from Portland to say she is getting in her car to bring me home in a very no arguing with me tone… yes, i was still having visions of my car getting fixed that day in time for me to drive it home as a one-eyed bandit or patch over the eye pirate… and, yes, i’m a dreamer, thank goodness i’m in such amazing company…. always being and becoming boundless love!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 162 – 5/27/2015

Named Momentous May 27 Wedding Trip Pilgrimage Oregon Gorge 5-27-15 023this week of pilgrimage on the way from the wedding is, like these waterfalls, a whirling vortex of energy calling powerfully to be still, to be quiet, to listen for beloved and to tune into her cosmic hum… thank goodness for family traveling across the country to share in and witness the beauty all around, to wander in wonder, to amble in awe, to take a vow to live more simply, to simply live love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 101 – 3/27/2015

Named Miraculous March 27 Gene Keys Dragonfly Woman+

i’m feeling like tinkerbell and asking for everyone to clap their hands to bring me back to radiant health… thousandfold thanks…


like dragonfly, i am born in water

arising now from dormancy, i angle my body to receive sun

filling my wings of stained glass with soular energy for the great migration

for this is what i was born to be… wandering glider across the sea

painting the sky in rainbow colors, a bridge uniting heaven and earth

singing the deep song of peace encircling the universe


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 80 – 3/6/2015

Named Miraculous March 6 Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage  Selma Aloha

Knowing that not one of us is free until all of us are free, the world celebrates the 50 Year Anniversary of the historic freedom march, Selma to Montgomery, which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States. The Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost.

I love Aloha spirit being infused into the ethers of this pilgrimage. The journey of the iconic flower garlands began a year earlier when Dr King had lectured at the University of Hawaii and met the Reverend Abraham Akaka. To show support for civil rights, the Reverend Akaka sent the spirit of compassion and love embedded in the lei to the marchers in Alabama instilling an image of a bridge of unity across the planet.

Tomorrow, Hawaiian-born, President Barack Obama will march wearing a lei from his native state and carry all who love freedom on this sacred journey of peace.


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 62 – 2/16/2015

I sauntered, yes i was traveling to holy land, pure land to welcome visitors to my beloved garden on this most auspicious day with clear sight of three of the cascading mountains encircling portalandia as we are graced by yet another day of sun…

Named February Favorites 16 Japanese Garden Welcome 2-16-15 010so, yes, i came to welcome wayfarers, sojourners along the spirit path and experienced a magical encounter with a pure sweet being of light and love who may well have been the buddha or a bodhisattva… he told me how he misses his temple home in Japan where for eighteen generations his family have been monks…Named February Favorites 16 Buddha Japanese Garden Welcome 2-16-15 009he started chanting The Name for me which reminds me of an old story…

An old woman, who practiced the recitation of the Buddha`s name, made a vow
to recite the name of Amitabha Buddha 500 billion times before she was willing to gain rebirth in his Pure Land.

The old woman recited the Buddha`s name by counting beans. However, she fell sick one day, and she also did not have enough beans to count with, and she was far from the goal of 500 billion recitations. What should she do? The old woman was worried, and the more she became worried, the more she felt helpless.

Then, two major bodhisattvas, who were touched by her conviction, manifested themselves as two monks who came by her house. After they found out about the old woman`s plight, they told her, `You can simply recite `Namo the 36 trillion, 119 thousand, 500 Amitabha Buddhas.` ` Once this was recited, it would immediately fulfill her goal, with plenty to spare. Haha!

So the old woman recited: `Namo the 36 trillion, 119 thousand, 500 Amitabha Buddhas.` With this single recitation, all the beans fell to the ground, and the old woman passed away instantly, gaining rebirth in the Pure Land. The two monks transformed back into bodhisattvas, and vanished.


Travel with us now as this sweet, pure being transports us into the Pure Land…

Japanese Garden Welcome 2-16-15 017



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 61 – 2/15/2015

Named February Favorites 15 peace healing glyphas i harmonize with the waning moon and deepen into dream cave, i am preparing for an outer journey aligned with the highest good of being love, planting peace and singing in harmony with all that is…

thousandfold thanks for joining with me in contemplating Dr Jean Logan’s glyph above and intending love, peace and harmony overflow through all that is…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 56 – 2/10/2015

Named February Favorites 10 Gene Key 56 Intoxication Rumi

Holy Synchronicity! Day 56 of the pilgrimage begins in high spirits, intoxicated on love and Gene Key 56, my life’s work, is the essence of love’s intoxication. It appears that i’m still under the influence spelling Rumi as Rum and dancing through the streets with children of all ages being lovingkindness as we tune into the cosmic hum calling all of us to rise up singing…