Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 211 – 7/15/2023

“No traveler, whether a tree lover or not, will ever forget his first walk in a sugar-pine forest. The majestic crowns approaching one another make a glorious canopy, through the feathery arches of which the sunbeams pour, silvering the needles and gilding the stately columns and the ground into a scene of enchantment.” ~ John Muir ~

this traveler journeyed into the land of enchantment today, not the state of New Mexico where i celebrated my Chiron return 22 years ago, this pilgrimage was an inner one to the deep self, to a way of engaging with the world founded on a visceral sense of belongingness in a many layered world… in this land of enchantment, we participate wholeheartedly and profoundly in the adventure of the magical mystery tout of life… in this land, we are intuitive, we embrace wonder, we are fully engaged in the imaginal realm and deeply rooted in place and community flourishing on the pathless path of heart and meaning respecting the consciousness of children as holy fools and all our wild relations engaged with the small, the slow, the local picking up our thread of the unraveling cosmos to re-create an even more beautiful world by falling in love again and again…

thank you for sharing the journey of ever deepening into rainbow mystery…