Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 5 – 12/21/2014

Named Divine 21 Soulstice Invocationtoday, i stand still with the sun as we birth and nurture light and reflect on and resound a song echoing inside from childhood on, This Little Light of Mine… And, yes, as the words direct, i’m gonna let it shine, shine on the old story burning it away leaving us free to draw down the power of the Capricorn new moon to be the new cosmic story…

PEACE on Earth and Goodwill to All Our Relations

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 351 – December 2, 2014

Named Divine 2 Kaua'i 12-2-14 028 Lighttoday’s pilgrimage is truly divine as we follow a trail of rainbows moving towards true north along the ocean mesmerized by the turquoise sea crashing against the cliffs at Kilauea Point…. continuing on to magical Hanalei where the sun has never shown so brightly and onto another beach of incredible beauty…

Mahalo to Kaua’is best hosts, Maureen and Bruce and my incredibly generous daughter for making dreams come true…

Kaua'i 12-2-14 022


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Kaua'i 12-2-14 033

Kaua'i 12-2-14 059

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 311 – October 23, 2014

Named Open Heart 23 Moon New-in-Scorpio-Resurrection-of-Desire-

how perfect to be in portalandia on this amazing portal day… sun and new moon in scorpio with a partial solar eclipse following the full moon lunar eclipse two weeks earlier…. waning with that full moon diving into shadowy realms embracing the invitation to trust and surrender flowing as the blue moon of transformation… this is the moment to plant seeds that will blossom and grace the new path… the moment to look inside deeply and ignite every wild cell into luminous light… the moment to celebrate being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 310 – October 22, 2014

Named Open Heart 22 Hummingbird Rick Derevan

infinite love and gratitude, grandmother spider for weaving such an amazing beautyway on the pilgrimage today… thank you for delivering me from anxiety of becoming into ease of being, from very uncomfotable, stretched to the maxness to the comfort of universal support…. thank you for sending hummingbirds to germinate flowers in the field so we are free to flow as naturally currents in the sea…. thank you for this moment of being openhearted, of always being love, thank you for flowing through me in beauty being the soul of the space wherever i may be…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 306 – October 18, 2014

Named Open Heart 18 Gratitude - EmotoIn honor of Dr Emoto, i re-member beginning this phase of the pilgrimage almost 3 years ago by occupying the abundance of infinite love and gratitude where now i dwell… So, i’m contemplating on this day of peace how pure the water that fills  the body so that we are shining crystals of light in the garden of eden… Thank you, rest in peace…

Haiku Prescott FT 10-17-14 019

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 304 – October 16, 2014

Named Open Heart 16 Dark Night to Revelation

i feel as if i’ve been walking blindly for days as i move through the tunnel toward higher ground… today, i feel an energetic shift as the quicksand i’ve been slogging through turns into solid soil and the trust visualized is trust embodied… Opening our one heart to me, opens our one heart to all and drops the blinders from eyes now open to seeing the light that is always here… the light infusing every wild cell inspiring being for giving… welcome home children of the light…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 303 – October 15, 2014

Named Open Heart 15 Peninsula Park 7-6-14 009

today’s pilgrimage begins in chaos, the primordial space that gives birth to a dancing star when one stays present in what is, standing tall in the center, welcoming what comes with a SMILE, softening into the obstacles, being like water, coming home to the heart of a child, innocence abides here at play in the field of dancing diamonds…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 283 – September 25, 2014

Named Blessingway 25 Celebration Sungazing at Wyeth CO Installation 015

so many moments of celebration on the rainbow trail…

dolphin dancing with cosmic pod opens portal to our one heart

tuning into cosmic hum trusting in and surrendering to divine flow

journeying to a field of peace carved by pilgrims of old who heard earth song’s call

meeting pilgrims of now in whom the song’s call resounds to immerse in beautyway

thanking all relations for walking in the sacred way…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 266 – September 8, 2014

Named Blessingway 8 Dream Cave Awakening++

My divine child accompanied me into the garden for harvest moon viewing tonight greeting every moon viewer warmly and banding all who entered into a community of belonging – what a delight to see the smiles and feel the love when people heard they belonged… harvesting a field of love under the spell of luney tunes…