i began this julian calendar turn around the sun writing a letter to a young peace activist a la rilke with the encouragement to live the quest ions; today in the midst of such an intense chaos cycle, such a planetary initiation where we are still in the liminal phase, the betwixt and between transitional space going on for so many moons, i want to share some more encouragement for this bewildering/be-wilder-ment moment…
today, i’m re-membering that a year ago on this very day a metaphorical dam broke and i’m flooded with a tsunami, a tsunami i’ve dreamed of so many times and have experienced so many times in this last wild turn around the sun…
how easy it is to tense up and recoil, to panic in the face of what feels like losing balance, losing control, the”end of the world” and yes it is and the opening of a new world, a world of being surrendered into spirit, flowing in harmony with source…
take heart… we are made for these times…
i invite all of us to please not overwhelm our spirit dry by only bewailing these difficult times and losing hope… we are the ones we are waiting for and have been in training for this moment since we arrived here…
in addition to our doubt, frustrations and confusion right now, we are abounding with resources, we are not alone… over and over again, we are the living proof that what has been exiled, lost, or foundered can be regenerated… though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us…
to help calm the storm is to hold the tension of the opposites, pick up our thread of the web of life and practice devotedly acting in small ways to serve all our relatives…
thank you for being peace…