Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 351 – 12/2/2018

Named Descending Dec 2 Oregon She Flies with Her Own Wings

yes, i did get jet propelled at our farewell feast to our island home, still it may be a little hyperbolic to say that like the state of oregon she flies with her own wings… definitely had the wings of a big bird encircling mine as we flew through with red eyes over the vast sky sea in a dark cabin, a perfect vehicle for descending into the dream cave of december and how ready i am to do just that when we land in portalandia for now i’ve been up for over 24 hours…

how delighted am i to continue this wandering in wonder and awe in the inner dream cave, the stillpoint of creation, the silence of the tiny space of the heart that is breaking wide open in this beautiful moment of presence, of be here now, now here, no where, everywhere in the timeless zone where we are all gathered in the one sacred heart out beyond deep within…