Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 277 – September 19, 2014

Named Blessingway 19 Peacemakers of Earth Motherevery moment is pregnant with the promise of peace… for all the moments of the next two days, i will be in deep peace as i unplug from the grid to be peace in each moment… let us join with the Mamos from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in an effort to achieve peace for Mother Earth.


We call all noble-hearted people to find within the light of love and divinity that dwells in them from immemorial times, since their souls have existed.
May this light … expand on the earth showering her face with peace and harmony.
May this light … calm and harmonize the black shadow of war, violence, hate and disharmony .
May this light … fill the hearts of all people and the sites of nations where the shadow of violence has found a place to stay.

May this light reach the hearts and minds of ALL the Heads of State,
of ALL leaders of the revolution from  right to left from north to south.

We extend our profound gratitude to all the Shamans (Mamos) of the world, all men, women and children from  different cultures, races and creeds, from all cardinal directions who have joined us and those who will join us in this effort to raise a prayer for peace and nonviolence .

We wash away the cries of the distressed, the blood of the victims of violence, the pain of their families.

May they be replaced by the innocent laughter of children, the ideals of youth and the wisdom of life of our elders.
May we no longer know the signs of strife: to hear birds singing sorrows, nor watch clouds stained with blood, nor feel breezes intense with heat, nor see rivers swollen by the mountains’ tears .
That new fraternal bonds of unity and peace formed through our invocation together, may embrace humanity in harmony with itself and with nature.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 257 – August 30, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 30 Nags Head 2014 001

perfect day at the beach… walking up the sand dune, hearing the waves, smelling the salt, feeling home, kissing the sand with barefeet, falling in love all over again with this magical water colored in hummingbird hues this overcast moment, immersing wholeheartedly in the sea is a holy sacrament like being consciously in the watery womb and as the wave of water breaks, we emerge like newborns into sunlight cradled in the lap of our mother the earth…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 246 – August 19, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 19 Infinity Bridge

awaken to a running conversation… get quiet syncing into light… breathing deeply through our one heart, listen for heart whispers… be mother to scared child afraid of being homeless… darling, i love you and will be there for you… come onto my lap and we’ll rock awhile while we breathe in the rhythm of the waves up from the belly of the earth and through our one heart feeling we are coming home, being home and now fully home in the love we are, breathe it out radiating love to all the trillions of wild cells in your body and out and out to the furtherest reaches of our one body… yes, dear one, wherever you go, you are always home…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 242 – August 15, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 15 Mt Rainier July B'day Pilgrimage 077 Spirit Lake

Sorrow has played a major chord on the dance this week with so many untimely deaths and conflicts covering the globe… And then i re-member on the pilgrimage back from Mt Rainier coming home by way of Mt St Helen’s and seeing the side that blew and this Spirit Lake which was right in the path of the lava flows and so violently ravaged that her coming back to life was in question but as you can see, sorrow has paved the way for joy as she is so beautifully and miraculously restored… May we all witness the transforming of sorrow into joy…