how fitting that a Lakota seer speaks in 39 words the mission bringing me across the sea to the other shore for 39 symbolizes liberation and 39 is the age when i spent a summer in a tipi on Rosebud, a Lakota reservation contemplating this very same journey i now embark upon 25 years later, a journey foretold at 21 and at 2, a journey that’s been sometimes quietly and sometimes dramatically unfolding every moment, every beautiful moment…
perhaps you’ll join with me in re-membering your journey to the stars by breathing in deeply through our one heart and down, down, down into the belly… into the stillpoint of creation, the watery womb, stable ground of all being, home to peace passing all understanding, beloved community’s belonging place… injoy this moment, this beautiful moment of gifts arising from the sea… flowing through you, flowing through me, flowing from the buoyant sea, the buoyancy of love’s frequency, the hum of cosmic harmony…
thousandfold thanks for our flowing in beauty…