Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 163 – 5/28/2015

Named Momentous May 28 Confluence Dedication at Chief Timothy 004a perfect finale for my after the wedding extended pilgrimage began today with a 350 mile excursion across Oregon and north to the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers and the states of Washington and Idaho… arriving at the Gateway to Hell’s Canyon, a place i’d never been before, was as exciting as it was novel, a place of naked beauty and muted rainbow colors reflecting in the waters…

tomorrow will be the dedication ceremony for the listening circle at Chief Timothy Park, a project ten years in the making, a work of love honoring the original people who are now known as the Nez Perce, a people who have always been welcoming to those in need, a people dedicated to living in peace…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 159 – 5/24/2015

Named Momentous May 24 Wedding 028

in this moment, this beautiful moment of turning, metamorphosing from caterpillar to butterfly, we gather in the sun to dry our wings so they may carry us through the clouds bridging heaven and earth…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, we savor and offer thanks to sky and earth and sun and moon and stars and ocean and to beloved for breathing us alive…

in this moment, this beautiful moment, we listen to beloved’s hum as we gaze into her flowing mirror pulling us home to the heart ever more deeply…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 130 – 4/25/2015

Named Awesome April 25 faerie forestawaken to swim in the sweet seas of surrender with beautiful sisters of the pod… sweet, because we are there for each other in uncharted waters as we deepen in and witness great mystery with eyes of wonder…

float on down into the land of grace feeling like i’m back in the faerie forest in the land of Avalon where faeries are so visible as in the picture above… a moment of being like the trees and drinking in the magical elixir of the waters of our being… love… love is all there is…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 115 – 4/10/2015

Named Awesome April 10 Heart Pilgrimage Jo Well Too 4-10-15

meditating around the well in the very heart of the great mother’s heart,

we tune into beloved’s cosmic hum and awaken with the central sun…

radiating shimmering waves of luminescence coloring our multiverse  rainbow,

the celestial chorus sings out hallelujah and the hills ring bells in synchrony…

 reaching out our hands to one another forming a circle forever unbroken,

we are a golden mirror of the divine, we are beloved…


today ends the outer pilgrimage and begins the inner pilgrimage which, like love, is eternal… as we scatter to the winds, we retrace our steps through the long and winding re-birth canal breathing in, being the transformation we are always…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 109 – 4/4/2015

Named Awesome April 4 Tor Heart Pilgrimage April 2015 010on the fourth day of this pilgrimage of the heart, this retreat into death and rebirth, i face the greatest challenge yet and one like all the others on this journey i question whether i am able to meet… thousandfold thanks to the eternal family encircling me and the one who believed i would make and encouraged every step with the words that have become a manta, one more step… when we reached the top the top of the glastonbury tor, i felt like an astronaut landing on the moon – one small step for a human, one giant leap for humanity… truly, this triumph was a family affair…

i’m sure you heard the bells ringing on the hill and felt the wind blowing our one heart wide open wherever you were and joined in chanting shanti, shanti, shanti, peace, peace, peace….

thousandfold thanks for sharing this journey into our one heart…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 108 – 4/3/2015

Named Awesome April 3 Heart Pilgrimage Chalice Wellfollowing the long day’s journey into the mysts of avalon and being purified in the healing waters of the heart chakra, i dream on this good friday of being put in a deep chamber and i wonder what this is about trusting the knowing will come, our one heart is opening to the flow as the well sings the words…

arise to meditate and commune with eternal family before embarking on our first shared walking in beauty to the ancient abbey of glastonbury where we dance around the high altar drinking in beloved, re-membering her well…

in the evening as we gather around the well, her guardian, Joseph, tells us about the five deep chambers at the bottom of the well… aha! smile! (start my internal love engine)… mystery unfolding as the well sings…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 107 – 4/2/2015

Named Awesome April 2 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1Woo Hoo! I flew across the pond deeper and deeper into the unknown on the wings of the beloved who keeps providing just what is needed when it is needed… Case in point, I sit in a huge Heathrow Terminal awaiting the sherpas and tune into cosmic hum until an inner prompting says to look up and there is an angel coming toward me, welcoming me in the sweetest warm embrace – yes, the sherpas are gathering the flock of pilgrims and herding us into the magic bus to launch the magical mystery tour through the misty veils to the Isle of Avalon, heart chakra of Gaia, we are coming home… blessing the homecoming…


May I wake to Earth’s energy as my heart.
May I wake to Earth’s ocean as my tears.
May I wake to Earth’s wind as my breath.
May I wake to Earth’s landscape as my body.

May my heart open dormant seeds.
May my tears fill rain clouds.
May my breath give flight to migrating birds.
May my body be an island of refuge.


May you wake to Earth’s energy as your heart.
May you wake to Earth’s ocean as your tears.
May you wake to Earth’s wind as your breath.
May you wake to Earth’s landscape as your body.

May your heat open dormant seeds.
May your tears fill rain clouds.
May your breath give flight to migrating birds.
May your body be an island of refuge.


May Mother Earth depend on our heart for her energy.
May Mother Earth depend on our tears for her ocean.
May Mother Earth depend on our breath for her wind.
May Mother Earth depend on our body for her landscape .

May Mother Earth open dormant seeds.
May Mother Earth fill rain clouds.
May Mother Earth give flight to migrating birds.
May Mother Earth have islands of refuge.


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 87 – 3/13/2015

Named Miraculous March 13 Sunset on Easter Eve at Manzanita

today, i listen to inner flowing waters calling me to prepare to give birth… kiss (keeping it super simple), breathe in light, re-member who I AM, journey deeper into the heart, curl into fetal position, trust in nature to open the way, leap into great beyond, resonate and echo great mother’s song…

embracing the sun

light awakens every cell

our one heart smiles and begins to chuckle

opening us all to love overflowing

eroding any hardness, doubt, despair

freely now offering our wholehearted self
