Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 209 – 7/13/2023

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

~ Albert Einstein ~

let’s take this moment of eternity, this wild and precious moment to suit up as psychonauts, walk to the launch pad, enter the space capsule, settle into our seat breathing deeply through our one heart as the countdown proceeds… 10, smile… 9, hands on heart… 8, breathe in… 7, down into belly… 6, hold… 5, hold… 4, exhale… 3, release… 2, empty… 1, relax deeper and deeper with every deep breath… blast in…

take a look around as we descend deeper and deeper into the inner space of being… look into the window of your soul with your inner eyes taking in all the beauty, feeling gratitude for this wild and precious moment of having everything that is needed fueled by wonder and awe as your eyes adjust to seeing everything as one, real-eye-sing we are swimming in a sea of love energy…

notice a bright light pulling us into a golden waterfall of luminescence lighting up every wild molecule to vibrate at the frequency of cosmic hum singing us into ecstasy, rainbow harmony… breathe in the bliss and listen, listen, listen for your heartsong calling us into deeper communion of giving and receiving for nothing ever goes one way… breathing in beauty, breathing out compassion… breathing in blessing, breathing out gratitude… injoy as many wild and precious moments here gnowing you are always welcome in the field of flow to rest in the river of life, in the ocean of being and becoming… always being love, always becoming love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 211 – 7/15/2022

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

~ Albert Einstein ~

let’s take this moment of eternity, this wild and precious moment to suit up as psychonauts, walkto the launch pad, inter the space capsule, settle into our seat breathing deeply through our one heart as the countdown proceeds… 10, smile… 9, hands on heart… 8, breathe in… 7, down into belly… 6, hold… 5, hold… 4, exhale… 3, release… 2, empty… 1, relax deeper and deeper with every deep breath… blast in…

take a look around as we descend deeper and deeper into the inner space of being… look into the window of your soul with your inner eyes taking in all the beauty, feeling gratitude for this wild and precious moment of having everything that is needed fueled by wonder and awe as your eyes adjust to seeing everything as one, real-eye-sing we are swimming in a sea of love energy…

notice a bright light pulling you into a golden waterfall of luminescence lighting up every wild cell to vibrate at the frequency of cosmic hum singing us into ecstasy, rainbow harmony… breathe in the bliss and listen, listen, listen for your heartsong calling us into deeper communion of giving and receiving for nothing ever goes one way… breathing in beauty, breathing out compassion… breathing in blessing, breathing out gratitude… in joy as many wild and precious moments here gnowing you are always welcome in the field of flow to rest in the river of life, in the ocean of being and becoming… always being love, always becoming love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 298 – 10/10/2018

Named Open Field 10 Poetic PEACE Pilgrim 1 Field

Turn back from the outer, Set your eyes within.

~ Rumi ~

today is a sacred day – 10/10/11 or 1111 – the number of the energy flow of angels, a special portal day of threshold as we stand ready to leap into the void, the cloud of unknowing, the field of great mystery bravely taking the first steps down into the depths along this sacred pathway of descent… the deeper we go, the higher we rise; the more we let go into flow, the more we flow into letting go, dissolving into the field of the open heart being one with the one that cannot be named…


thank you for walking home with me down to the sea of love,

awesome place of power, smiled on by the stars above

here we breathe in deeply, preparing to go under

deep down into the below, sacred space of surrender

giving our all to beloved, undams the river of joy

 always flowing inside of us, flowing forevermore…


happy trails…