Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 298– 10/10/2017

Named Open October 10 Journey Within 2012-6-9 Coordinator w the Mostest - Jo

Turn back from the outer, Set your eyes within.

~ Rumi ~

today is a sacred day – 10/10/10 or 111 – the number of the energy flow of angels and the 29th day of awakening in this latest initiation, this taking the first steps into this sacred pathway, a feast day for celebrating eclipse totality…


walk with me through the field down to the sea of love,

awesome place of power, vibrant wellspring of love

here we breathe in deeply, preparing to go under

down, down to the river below, sacred space of surrender

giving our all to beloved undams the river of joy

 always flowing inside of us, flowing forevermore…


happy trails…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 214 – July 18, 2014

Named Radical Joy 18 Japanese Garden Tanabata Festival July 2014 011

After an early morning pilgrimage into the city to give of my blood and sweat – forgive me, in the South women don’t sweat or even perspire, we glow – sans tears, so wonderful to journey home to treat and re-treat myself into the Blissness Blue Moon Lodge and conjure my favorite zen garden where i breathe in and luxuriate in this reflecting pool one with all that is…