Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 188 – 6/22/2023

Honoring World Rainforest Day!

today on World Rainforest Day – a day encouraging action and awareness to protect the world’s rainforests – stop, take a breath, and reflect on our intimate relationship to the life-giving power of the Amazon rainforest and all that she provides for us as the lungs of the planet…

i love this image, even more, i love seeing pachamama as a rainforest showering us with breath, giving us life… so, let’s take this moment to feel pachamama  breathing us through our one heart flowing right into the stillpoint, our ground of being, oneness… in this sacred space, we open our hearts in rhythm with beloved’s flowing breath and feel the suffering and the joy of the cosmos and in the silence hear the whispers of what’s ours to do with our out breath…

i love this image, this metaphor returning to me on this day of pilgrimage when i’m re-membering the conception of the poetic peace pilgrimage over a decade ago as a daily breathing practice in rhythm with flow… i love this image, this metaphor returning on this day of pilgrimage when i awaken in wonder and awe of  great mystery and of bearing witness to the medicine of these cosmic lungs…

thank you, pachamama , for giving us these organs of breath, may we steward more and more response-ably and sustainably…

some invitations for stewarding lovingly:

Be grateful: To start with, action to protect the rainforests must begin now. Before we unmindfully cut trees to build our homes and offices, we need to take a deep breath and thank the rainforests for being the lungs of the planet. A real-eyes-ation of this might make us switch to more sustainable ways of development…

Contribute: We may also offer monetary and voluntary support and contribute to organisations that work to preserve the rainforests…

Eat a meat-free meal: Cattle farming contributes significantly to deforestation. Eating a meat-free meal can go a long way. We can start by going vegetarian for a day, week, month or a year…

Pass on palm oil: Rainforests are being cleared to expand palm plantations. Passing on palm oil and choosing products with alternate oils can be one small step that we can take on our part…

Spread the word: Creating awareness to preserve the forests can be one small act of kindness that we can show for the benefit of all…

may we re-member we are part of the earth as the rainforest is the womb of life from where we emerged with answers to questions we have yet to ask…

“The silencing of the rainforests is a double deforestation, not only of trees but a deforestation of the mind’s music, medicine and knowledge.” ~ Jay Griffiths ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 188 – 6/22/2022

Honoring World Rainforest Day!

today on World Rainforest Day – a day encouraging action and awareness to protect the world’s rainforests – stop, take a breath, and reflect on our intimate relationship to the life-giving power of the Amazon rainforest and all that she provides for us as the lungs of the planet…

i love this image, even more, i love seeing pachamama as a rainforest showering us with breath, giving us life… so, let’s take this moment to feel pachamama  breathing us through our one heart flowing right into the stillpoint, our ground of being, oneness… in this sacred space, we open our hearts in rhythm with beloved’s flowing breath and feel the suffering and the joy of the cosmos and in the silence hear the whispers of what’s ours to do with our out breath…

i love this image, this metaphor returning to me on this day of pilgrimage when i’m re-membering the conception of the poetic peace pilgrimage over nine years ago as a daily breathing practice in rhythm with flow… i love this image, this metaphor returning on this day of pilgrimage when i awaken in wonder and awe of  great mystery and of bearing witness to the medicine of these cosmic lungs…

thank you, pachamama , for giving us these organs of breath, may we steward more and more response-ably and sustainably…

some invitations for stewarding lovingly:

Be grateful: To start with, action to protect the rainforests must begin now. Before we unmindfully cut trees to build our homes and offices, we need to take a deep breath and thank the rainforests for being the lungs of the planet. A real-eyes-ation of this might make us switch to more sustainable ways of development…

Contribute: We may also offer monetary and voluntary support and contribute to organisations that work to preserve the rainforests…

Eat a meat-free meal: Cattle farming contributes significantly to deforestation. Eating a meat-free meal can go a long way. We can start by going vegetarian for a day, week, month or a year…

Pass on palm oil: Rainforests are being cleared to expand palm plantations. Passing on palm oil and choosing products with alternate oils can be one small step that we can take on our part…

Spread the word: Creating awareness to preserve the forests can be one small act of kindness that we can show for the benefit of all…

may we re-member we are part of the earth as the rainforest is the womb of life from where we emerged with answers to questions we have yet to ask…

“The silencing of the rainforests is a double deforestation, not only of trees but a deforestation of the mind’s music, medicine and knowledge.” ~ Jay Griffiths ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 188 – 6/22/2021

Honoring World Rainforest Day!

today on World Rainforest Day – a day encouraging action and awareness to protect the world’s rainforests – stop, take a breath, and reflect on our intimate relationship to the life-giving power of the Amazon rainforest and all that she provides for us as the lungs of the planet…

i love this image, even more, i love seeing pachamama as a rainforest showering us with breath, giving us life… so, let’s take this moment to feel pachamama  breathing us through our one heart flowing right into the stillpoint, our ground of being, oneness… in this sacred space, we open our hearts in rhythm with beloved’s flowing breath and feel the suffering and the joy of the cosmos and in the silence hear the whispers of what’s ours to do with our out breath…

i love this image, this metaphor returning to me on this day of pilgrimage when i’m re-membering the conception of the poetic peace pilgrimage over six years ago as a daily breathing practice in rhythm with flow… i love this image, this metaphor returning on this day of pilgrimage when i awaken in wonder and awe of  great mystery and of bearing witness to the medicine of these cosmic lungs…

thank you, pachamama , for giving us these organs of breath, may we steward more and more response-ably and sustainably…

some invitations for stewarding lovingly:

Be grateful: To start with, action to protect the rainforests must begin now. Before we unmindfully cut trees to build our homes and offices, we need to take a deep breath and thank the rainforests for being the lungs of the planet. A real-eyes-ation of this might make us switch to more sustainable ways of development…

Contribute: We may also offer monetary and voluntary support and contribute to organisations that work to preserve the rainforests…

Eat a meat-free meal: Cattle farming contributes significantly to deforestation. Eating a meat-free meal can go a long way. We can start by going vegetarian for a day, week, month or a year…

Pass on palm oil: Rainforests are being cleared to expand palm plantations. Passing on palm oil and choosing products with alternate oils can be one small step that we can take on our part…

Spread the word: Creating awareness to preserve the forests can be one small act of kindness that we can show for the benefit of all…

may we re-member we are part of the earth as the rainforest is the womb of life from where we emerged with answers to questions we have yet to ask…

“The silencing of the rainforests is a double deforestation, not only of trees but a deforestation of the mind’s music, medicine and knowledge.” ~ Jay Griffiths ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 189 – 6/22/2020

today, on World Rainforest Day – a day encouraging action and awareness to protect the world’s rainforests – stop, take a breath, and reflect on our intimate relationship to the life-giving power of the Amazon rainforest and all that she provides for us as the lungs of the planet…

i love this image, even more, i love seeing pachamama as a rainforest showering us with breath, giving us life… so, let’s take this moment to feel pachamama  breathing us through our one heart flowing right into the stillpoint, our ground of being, oneness… in this sacred space, we open our hearts in rhythm with beloved’s flowing breath and feel the suffering of the cosmos and in the silence hear the whispers of what’s ours to do with our out breath…

i love this image, this metaphor returning to me on this day of pilgrimage when i’m re-membering the conception of the poetic peace pilgrimage over seven years ago as a daily breathing practice in rhythm with flow… i love this image, this metaphor returning on this day of pilgrimage when i awaken in wonder and awe of  great mystery and of bearing witness to the medicine of these cosmic lungs…

thank you, pachamama , for giving us these organs of breath, may we steward more and more response-ably and sustainably…

some invitations for stewarding lovingly:

Be grateful: To start with, action to protect the rainforests must begin now. Before we unmindfully cut trees to build our homes and offices, we need to take a deep breath and thank the rainforests for being the lungs of the planet. A real-eyes-ation of this might make us switch to more sustainable ways of development.

Contribute: We may also offer monetary and voluntary support and contribute to organisations that work to preserve the rainforests.

Eat a meat-free meal: Cattle farming contributes significantly to deforestation. Eating a meat-free meal can go a long way. We can start by going vegetarian for a day, week, month or a year.

Pass on palm oil: Rainforests are being cleared to expand palm plantations. Passing on palm oil and choosing products with alternate oils can be one small step that we can take on our part.

Spread the word: Creating awareness to preserve the forests can be one small act of kindness that we can show for the benefit of all.